




danilo quinones alcontin,来自菲律宾,教育硕士,现任世界部科学、数学教师。

as a teacher with 15 years of teaching experience, i learned that teaching can be an exciting and challenging experience for me and to anyone. it can be quite interesting to fit with the characteristics of our 21st century learners into our various teaching processes and classroom management. for me, a teacher is not only someone who teaches, but a symbol of learning, and person who plays the most important role in the development of any students. the future of those students depends on the qualities and the dedication of that teacher. i can provide many deions about me as teacher and i think i can define it based on my real experiences.



i must say i am that kind of teacher who is pleasant personality and considerate. whenever possible, i try to understand the situation students are in. i want to be always careful with the things i say in class. i love to smile and have a good laugh every day. i believe in this perennial adage that says “laughter is the best medicine.” i always see to it that i make my class funny. it is either someone in class makes the sessions alive or i do some crazy little foolish actuations just to make the class livelier than usual. whenever i do this, i always believe to effect a positive outlook in them and change any downward momentum happening to them during the day. i firmly believe that “to teach is to touch lives.” with this in mind, life for me is an open book and everyone is invited to write their stories with me.


teachers now and again are always reminded of teaching the basics of every subject. it is the teacher’s task to instill basic skills and knowledge to students need as they journey towards becoming a better version of themselves. thus, the teacher tremendously has the power to maneuver classes towards the basic and what is fundamental to our students needs as they progress from one level to another.


the idea of essentialism reminds me that if i am to master the craft i am good at, i have to deliver only what is essential and perhaps augment only when i see the needs of the students. by so doing, i would not make my science subject appear too difficult for them especially those who are inclined otherwise. with this, i hope i can be the teacher that can make my students feel perfectly at ease with what they are capable of.


on the other hand, john dewey expounded on the principle of learning by doing. this theory is anchored on the idea that learning should be relevant and practical not just passive and theoretical. he believed that education should represent the present life. teachers are to present real life problems and guide students in solving these problems by providing them with hands-on and minds-on activities to learn the situation.


in addition, the theory of constructivism levels off with dewey’s pedagogical theory. constructivism is founded on the idea of reflecting our own experiences as we construct our own understanding of the world we live in. it is therefore vital that we experience things in order to fully understand ideas, concepts or things.


while i may have provided learning activities to my students in each of my classes, i believe that i have probably done this intermittently and so i need to strengthen the practice of providing more opportunities for students to engage in meaningful learning.


at the moment, there exists and emerging principle in the teaching-learning process. this is known as “humor in pedagogy” – a research by r.l garner, an associate dean at sam houston state university. the results of this study revealed that humor can be a powerful tool when used in the classroom and naturally gave higher ratings to the teacher from the respondents.


it is with high hopes, that upon knowing how to apply humor in my class and insert fun activities, i will be perceived as a teacher who can guide students under my tutelage. these three philosophical ideologies are the foundations of the personal teaching-learning ph
ilosophy i have learned to develop and practice. anchored on the three philosophical ideologies aforementioned above, i have tried to developed my own belief as i reflected on the best practices i have had the past 15 gruesome, tiring but fruitful years.


i believe that to maximize learning, the teaching-learning process for me should be fun and experiential bound by mutual support, understanding and respect between the teacher and the students.


learning should be fun and this can be made possible if the teacher can provide firsthand experience on the various and diverse concepts students learn in school. it is said that experience is the best teacher. i believe that students can appreciate better what they are studying if they can personalize their learning and own them by performing meaningful and engaging activities provided before them. if there are opportunities for them to manage their learning, i believe that this will result in a long term enduring learning.



however, the teaching-learning process under this model should also emphasize the idea of mutual support, understanding and most especially respect. students should instill in their minds that they need each other. each must support each other and accept the individual differences for it is in our differences that we can beautifully mold a more cohesive relationship. once we accept our imperfections and give due respect to one another, then can the class sail smoothly amidst turbulent waters.


in my class, i always tell my students that it is okay to commit mistakes. it should not be a taboo when someone commits errors. after all, we are in school to learn and not as already learned individuals. part of learning is committing errors and mistakes. so when one commits faults, we should do something and encourage the student. consequently, the teacher should respect the student likewise the students respect the teacher’s role as the authority inside the class.




