


to do so, you could save bank charges for opening an l/c.


it’s expensive to open an l/c because we need to put a deposit in the bank.



we pay too much for such a letter of credit arrangement.


there will be bank charges in connection with the credit.


a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import.


the seller will request to amend the letter of credit.


please amend l/c no.205 as follows.


your refusal to amend the l/c is equivalent to cancellation of the order.


letter of credit (l/c)诺言证

form of credit 诺言证方法

terms of validity 诺言证效期

expiry date 效期

date of issue 开证日期

l/c amount 诺言证金额

l/c number 诺言证号码

to open by airmail 信开

to open by cable 电开

to open by brief cable 简电开证

to amend l/c 批改诺言证

fixed l/c or fixed amount l/c 有固定金额的诺言证

sight l/c 即期诺言证

usance l/c 远期诺言证

buyer’s usance l/c 买方远期诺言证

traveler’s l/c 旅行诺言证

revocable l/c 可撤消的诺言证

irrevocable l/c 不可以撤消的诺言证

confirmed l/c 保兑的诺言证

unconfirmed l/c 不 保兑的诺言证

confirmed irrevocable l/c 保兑的不可以撤消诺言证

irrevocable unconfirmed l/c 不可以撤消不保兑的诺言证

transferable l/c 可转让诺言证

untransferable l/c 不可以转让诺言证

revolving l/c 循环诺言证

reciprocal l/c 对开诺言证

back to back l/c 背对背诺言证

countervailing credit (俗称)子证

overriding credit 母证

banker’s acceptance l/c 银行承兑诺言证

trade acceptance l/c 商业承兑诺言证

red clause l/c 红条款诺言证

anticipatory l/c 预付诺言证

credit payable by a trader 商业付款诺言证

credit payable by a bank 银行付款诺言证

usance credit payment at sight 假远期诺言证

uniform customs and practice for documentary credits 跟单诺言证共同常规

i.c.c. publication no.400 第400号出书物

credit with t/t reimbursement clause 带有电报索汇条款的诺言证

method of reimbursement 索汇办法

without recourse 不受追索

opening bank’ name %26amp; signature 开证行称号及签字

beneficiary 获益人

guarantor 保证人

exporter’s bank 出口方银行

importer’s bank 进口方银行

seller’s bank 卖方银行

buyer’s bank 买方银行

paying bank 付款行,汇入行

remitting bank 汇出行

opening bank 开证行

issuing bank 开证行 待续


