
just get on with it!回绝推迟,马上行为
form doing the housework to writing an assignment, there’s always something ican put off until tomorrow.
being a procrastinator is quite easy. there are so many other more interesting distractions such as watching funny cat videos on the internet or catching up with friends on social media.
but benjamin franklin, one of the founding fathers of the united states, once said that: “you may delay, but time will not.”
in other words, the time we waste now is gone forever — so maybe i should pull my socks up and get on with what i should be doing.
the reason why many of us delay doing something is that we live for the present not the future.
we are reluctant to engage in tasks that relate to the future — sorting something out now that will benefit us in the future doesn’t seem like a priority.
daphna oyserman, professor of psychology at the university of southern california, says that “many things that are quite important about the future require that we start doing things now rather than waiting for later to happen … waiting till later means that we won’t have much time.”
南加州大学心思学教授daphna oyserman说:“许多对将来非常重要的作业需要咱们如今就初步行为,而不是一天拖一天……一向推迟的话,最终时刻根柢来不及。”
so get on with it now rather than have a last-minute panic later!

put off? 推迟;推迟;延期
catch up with sb.? 和…叙旧;和…闲谈
social media? 交际媒体(具体方法有博客、维基、博客、论坛、交际网络、内容社区等)
fouding father of the united states? 美国开国功臣
in other word? 换句?担灰簿褪撬?br>
get on with? 持续做(某事)
be reluctant to? 不甘心做…;不愿意做…
engage in? 参加;从事;忙于
sort out? 处置;处置;理清;弄清;分类;收拾
university of southern california? 南加利福尼亚大学(美国西海岸最陈旧的顶尖私立研讨型大学)
rather than? 而不是…,而非…
get on with? 持续做(某事)
