



1.How do you do? 你好!

2.How are you? 你好吗?

3.Are you well?你还好吗?

4.How are you doing?你好吗?

5.How's it going? 近况如何?

6.What's going on? 最近怎么样?

7.How is everything? 一切都好吗?

8.How are things with you?你好吗?

9.How is everything going?一切都好吗?

10.How is everything with you?你怎么样?

11.What is in the garden?花园里有什么?

12.Let's go to the garden.让我们去花园吧。

13.She came to the garden. 她来到这个花园。

14.Is this your garden?这是你们家的花园吗?

15.I like flowers in the garden.我喜欢花园里的花。

16.I love flying kites in the grass.我喜欢在绿草地上放风筝。

17.The earth in the garden is good, soft soil.花园里的泥土松软肥沃。

18.There are all kinds of flowers in the garden.花园里有各种各样的花。

19.I like playing with my friends in the garden.我喜欢在花园里和朋友玩。

20.After the rain, there are many small earthworms in the garden.下过雨后花园里有好多小蚯蚓。

21.It's in the sea.在海里。

22.Where is the sun?太阳在哪?

23.I love the beach.我喜欢沙滩。

24.Let's go to the beach.让我们去海滩吧。

25.people lying on the beach.躺在海滩上的人们。

26.The sun is behind the cloud.太阳躲在云后面。

27.Mr.Bean is going to beach.憨豆先生正在去沙滩路上。

28.I want to go to the beach tourism.我要去海滩上旅游。

29.I like to pile castles in the sand.我喜欢在沙滩上堆城堡。

30.Some tourists are lying on the beach.有一些游客正躺在沙滩上。


32.We did it !我们成功啦!

33.Here we go!让我们开始吧!

34.Are you ready ?准备好了吗?

35.I love boating.我喜欢划船。

36.The ship is leaving.轮船出发咯。

37.There are many boats on the sea.海上有很多船。

38.I am very happy to go boating with my daddy.和爸爸一起去划船很开心。

39.Boating is very interesting .划船很有趣。

40.What about going for a row?一起去划船好吗?


42.I'm full!吃饱了!

43.Is it hot? 热么?

44.Yes, I am.是,我饿了。

45.I'll feed you.我来喂你。

46.Are you hungry?你饿吗?

47.Let's eat!咱们一起吃吧!

48.I like apples.我喜欢苹果。

49.What’s for dinner?晚餐吃什么?

50.I am eating my lunch.我正在吃午饭。




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