



Good night 晚安.

Have a nice/good day/weekend/holiday. 一天/周末/假期愉快!

Bye/Bye-bye/Goodbye. 再见.

See you (soon/later/then/tomorrow…). 回见/晚些时候见/明天见…

Take care. 保重.

Thanks so much for your time. 耽误您的时间.

Will contact [ ] you soon. 会很快与你联系.

Mind/(Watch)your step. 请走好.

Goodbye and thank you for coming. 再见,谢谢您的光临.

Goodbye and hope to see you again. 再见,希望再见到您.

Have a nice trip! 一路平安!

Wish you a pleasant journey [ ]! Good luck! 祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运


Can I help you? Could I help you? 我能帮你吗?

Do you need any help? 需要帮助吗?

What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you?我可以为你做点什么?

What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

How can I go to Wal Mart. 怎么才能到沃尔玛?

Where is the nearest Wal Mart? 距这里最近的沃尔玛在什么地方?

You can take No.10 bus. 你可以坐10路公交车.

Turn left/right. 左/右转.

Go straight. 直走.

You can get on here and change [ ] at International [ ]Trade Center. 从这儿上车,在国贸转车.

It’s on your left/right. 在你的左/右边.

It’s up the road. 顺着这条路走.

Please follow me. 请跟我走.

Go down this street for a while until you hit the first traffic light. 沿着这条路一直走,直到你看到第一个红绿灯.

It’s on the second floor. 在二楼.

This way, please. 请这边走. 


1. Hello.你好!

2. Good morning.早晨好!

3. I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。

4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗?

5. Yes,I am.是的,我是。

6. How are you?你好吗?

7. Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢

8. How is Helen?海伦好吗?

9. She’s very well,thank you. 她很好,谢谢您。

10. Good afternoon,Mr. Green.午安,格林先生。

11. Good evening,Mrs. Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。

12. How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗?

13. Good night,John.晚安,约翰。

14. Good-bye,Bill.再见,比尔。

15. See you tomorrow.明天见。

16. Come in,please. 请进!

17. Sit down. 坐下!

18. Stand up,please. 请站起来。

19. Open your book,please. 请把书打开。

20. Close your book,please. 请把书合上。


需要帮忙吗?Can I help you. 

谢谢你的帮助。Thank you for helping me. 

无论如何,我还要感谢你。Thanks, anyway. 

很高兴见到你。 (It's) nice to meet you. 

请问您从哪来。Where are you from?

请问贵姓。Can I have your name?

很高兴认识你。 It was a pleasure meeting you. 

希望再见到你。 Hope to see you again. 

玩得快乐。Have a good time. 

祝你好运。 Good luck. 

我希望没事。 I hope nothing is wrong

怎么了?What's the matter?

糟糕,严重吗?Oh, no! Is it serious?

我真为你难过。 I'm sorry for you. 

一路平安,走好。 Have a safe trip home. 

那太荒唐了。That’s ridiculous. 

有你的电话。There is a call for you. 

你一点都没变。You are still the same. 

当然不是。I guess not. 

你空闲时都在做什么?What do you do in your free time? 




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