



They are very nice to me.他们对我很好。

They are very friendly.他们对我很友善。

They are very helpful.他们非常乐于助人。

They're all pretty easy-going.他们都很随和。

It's a great place to work.这里的工作环境很棒。

Is there any desk available for me?有我的办公桌吗?

I don't have any questions right now.我现在没有什么问题。

Do you take care of office supplies?你负责办公用品分发吗?

You must be Mike, the financial director.你一定是Mike,财务总监。

Would you please tell me the specific work for me?你能告诉我具体工作是什么吗?

I was so glad that they offered me the position.他们给我这个工作机会的时候我特别高兴。

It's a pleasure to meet you too. I'm excited to be here.认识你我也很高兴。我很开心能来这里工作。


I am here to help.我会帮助你的。

I can get a cubicle for you. 我给你分配一个工位。

I am in charge of office supplies.我负责办公用品分发。

How many jobs have you had so far?你一共找过几份工作了?

I am Mary, the Personnel Manager.我是玛丽,这里的人事经理。

How are you finding your new co-workers?你的新同事怎么样?

How about the cubicle next to mark?马克旁边那个工位可以吗?

You are responsible for developing new markets.你负责开拓新市场。

You are in charge of marketing sales strategy.你负责制定销售策略。

Call me Bob, I am the Sales Manager.叫我鲍勃,我是这里的销售经理。

I am Vicky, the Public Relations Manager.我是Vicky,这个的公关经理。

Mark will talk with you about your job.Mark会给你交代一下你的工作。

It's my job to make sure she fits in ASAP我的职责就是帮助她尽快适应。

Do you want me to show you around the place?你想要我带你四处转转吗?

We are excited to have you on our team.有你加入我们的团队真是太开心了。

Tell them where exactly they'll be working.把他们办公的地方准确地告诉他们。

Your main task is to handle routine business.你的主要任务就是处理日常事务。

I hope you're going to be very happy working with us.希望你在这里工作愉快。

Let me double check that and get back with you.我会再确认一遍,然后再联系你。

She is going to be a valuable member of the team.她会是我们团队理很有价值的一员。

I am not responsible for that stuff. Please ask the secretary.我不负责那些事情,请问问秘书吧。

All the office supplies are placed in the warehouse. Follow me please.所有办公用品都在仓库里,请跟我来。

And don't forget to tell them how to get help if they need it!不要忘记告诉他们怎样得到帮助如果他们需要的话!

It's important to know what to say when you're showing new colleagues around the office.当你向新同事介绍办公室情况的时候,知道说什么是很重要的。




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