



1.Welcome on board!欢迎加入!

2.I've heard a lot about you.久闻大名。

3.I'll show you around.我带你四处看看。

4.What exactly are my duties?我的职责是什么?

5.I'm in Financial Department.我在财务部工作。

6.When should I start work?我什么时候开始工作?

7.It's my first day at work.今天是我第一天上班。

8.I'm so happy to work here.我很高兴能在这里工作。

9.It was very nice to have met you.很高兴见到你。

10.I am working in Marketing Department.我在市场部工作。

11.I feel so good joining the team.加入这个团队感觉真好。

12.I graduated from Harvard University.我毕业于哈佛大学。

13.My major is Business Administration.我的专业是工商管理。

14.To be frank, I'm a little nervous.老实说,我有点儿紧张。

15.Which department are you working in?你在哪个部门工作?

16.I really love this kind of atmosphere.我很喜欢这种气氛。

17.What do you think of your new boss?你认为你的新老板如何?

18.Could you tell me who is in charge here?请问谁是这里的负责人?

19.Frankly speaking, I feel a little worried.老实说,我有点担心。

20.You will enjoy working here with us.你会喜欢和我们一起工作的。


21.This is your desk.这是你的办公桌。

22.Welcome to our company.欢迎加入我们公司。 

23.You will be my replacement.你将接替我的工作。

24.Please help me out when you can.请各位多多关照。

25.How do you train new employees?你怎么训练新员工。

26.Today is my first day to work here.今天是我第一天到这。

27.Let me show you around the office.让我带你熟悉一下办公室。

28.Could you introduce me to the manager?你能帮我介绍给经理吗?

29.Could you tell us a little about yourself?你能简要介绍一下自己吗?

30.I have good communication and organization skills.我有很好的沟通和组织能力。

31.I am in Personnel Department. Here is my card.我在人事部上班,这是我的名片。

32.I will try my best to assist if you need any help.如果您需要帮助,我会鼎力相助。

34.If there's anything I can do for you,let me know.如果有什么要我帮忙的,尽管开口。

35.If anything is not clear,please feel free to ask.如果有什么不清楚,不要客气说出来。

36.There are people everywhere. What's that girl doing?到处都有人。那女孩子在干什么?

37.I'm waiting to start work and get to know each of you better.我期待开始工作,更好地了解大家。

38.Don't be nervous. You will adapt yourself to the new environment soon.别紧张,你很快会适应新环境的。

39.The guy next to her is in charge of the office computer network.她旁边那个小伙子负责公司的电脑网络。

40.In some offices, if you don't punch a clock, you don't get paid.在有些办公室,如果不打卡,就拿不到钱。




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