



161.You’re so lucky.你真幸运。

162.I’m very lucky.我感到很幸运。

163.Do you work from home?你在家办公吗?

164.It's your treat this time.这次你请客。

165.Thanks for your lunch.谢谢你请我吃午餐。

166.Were you here yesterday?昨天你在这里吗?

167.Let's eat out together.我们一起出去吃饭吧。

168.I'm in charge of this project.这个项目由我负责。

169.You have a very understanding boss.你有一个非常贴心的老板。

170.I don’t come into the office every day.我不需要每天都去公司上班。


171.Nice going!干得好!

172.You did a good job.你干得非常好。

173.You’re looking sharp!你看上去真精神。

174.You look great today.你今天看上去很棒。

175.We’re so proud of you.我们十分为你骄傲。

176.I've gone through my paycheck for this month already.这个月的工资已经花完了。

177.I just make sure that I work 45 hours a week.我只要确保每周工作45个小时就够了。

178.I love to work from home. The traffic to work is terrible.我喜欢在家办公,上班路上的车子太堵了。

179.Maybe you should ask your boss about working a flexible schedule too.或许你也应该跟你老板申请弹性工作制度。

180.Boss gave him a flexible schedule because he is a single parent.因为他是单亲爸爸,所以老板给他的时间安排比较灵活。


181.This is really a nice place.这真是个好地方!

182.Let me check my schedule.让我看看我的日程安排。

183.I don't think it's a hard work.这工作不辛苦。

184.I made it!终于赶上了!(常用于上班、上学的情况)

185.I'll see if boss is available.我看看老板是不是方便。

186.I’m very pleased with your work.我对你的工作非常满意。

187.What's your plan for your future?你有什么打算?

188.Are you anything in mind you'd like to do?你是不是已有打算。

189.Can I ask what you wish to see him about?我能问一下您要见他有何事吗?

190.Why did you come here?你怎么来了?=What brings you here?是什么风把你吹来了?


191.Don't slack off at work.上班别偷懒。

192.I've got so much to do.我有很多事要做。

193.Which company are you from?你是哪个公司的?

194.Don't worry. You can do it.不用担心,你能做到!

195.Stop chatting and get down to work!不要聊天了,快去工作。

196.I hope you'll have a pleasant stay here.希望你此逗留期间愉快。

197.I'm glad that the information is of help to you.我很高兴这个消息对你有用。

198.Do you have any questions to ask before we leave ?出发前,还有什么问题吗?

199.Could you tell me what company you are representing?能告诉我您代表什么公司吗?

200.If there's anything you'd like to know, don't hesitate to ask.如果想要了解什么,尽管问吧。




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