
初中英语主要时态系列(三)—— 一般过去时讲解及练习初中英语姐2019-10-17 20:25感谢您关注初中英语公众号,如您尚未关注,请点击上方“初中英语”关注我们,获取更多知识方法。每日更新,与您不见不散!



1. 肯定句形式:主语+动词过去式+其他

i was an english teacher one year ago. 一年前我是一名英语老师。

i bought a yellow dress yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午我买了一条黄裙子。

2. 否定句形式:①was/were+not; ②在行为动词前加didn’t,同时还原行为动词

i wasn’t an english teacher one year ago. 一年前我不是一名英语老师。

i didn’t buy a yellow dress yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午我没买一条黄裙子。

3. 一般疑问句:①was/were提到句首;②did+主语+动词原形+其他?

were you an english teacher one year ago? 一年前你是一名英语老师吗?

did you buy a yellow dress yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你买了一条黄裙子吗?

4. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句

what were you one year ago? 一年前你是做什么的?

when did you buy a yellow dress? 你什么时候买了一条黄裙子?


1. 表示在过去某个时间所发生的动作或所处的状态(与现在无关) 。常与yesterday, last week, in 1989, just now, a moment ago, the other day等过去具体时间状语连用。

he was here just now. 他刚才还在这里。

what did you do yesterday? 你昨天做了什么事?

2. 在过去一段时间内的经常性或习惯性动作。

we often played together when we were children. 我们小时候常在一起玩。

注:表示过去经常发生的动作还可用used to 和would。

he used to smoke a lot, but he doesn’t now. 他过去经常抽烟,但现在不抽了。

whenever we were in trouble, he would help us. 每当我们遇到困难,他都会帮助我们。

3. 表示主语过去的特征或性格。

at that time she was very good at english. 那时她英语学得很好。

4. 一般过去时有时可以表示现在,多与 want, hope, wonder, think, intend 等动词连用,使语气更委婉。

i wondered if you could help me. 不知你能不能帮我一下。

5. 有时用一般过去时也是时态一致的需要。

i didn’t know you were here. 没想到你在这里。



he opened the door, rushed out and then disappeared.


——your phone number again? i didn’t quite catch it. 请再说一次你的电话号码,好吗?我刚才没听清楚。



典型例题:1. xiao lin went fishing this morning.(改为一般疑问句)

答案:did xiao lin go fishing this morning?

解析:这是一道句型转换题,考查到同学们对一般过去时的句型构成的掌握。一般过去时的一般疑问句句型构成为:did+主语+do+其他?,即句首加 did,句中过去式还原。



典型例题:i didn”t know you (be)in paris.


解析:题干意思是“我不知道你在巴黎”。因为在说话时,我已经知道你在巴黎了。这句话指的是说话之前,所以只能用过去时表示。实际上,这句话暗指:but now i know you are here.

1. 规则变化

work—— worked

live ——lived


enjoy ——enjoyed

stop—— stopped

2. 不规则变化
1. ow →ew →own
原形过去式过去分词汉语意思blowblewblown吹drawdrewdrawn画growgrewgrown生长knowknewknown知道2. i→a →u
原形过去式过去分词汉语意思beginbeganbegun开始drinkdrankdrunk喝singsangsung唱swimswamswum游泳ringrangrung打电话3. 原形→过去式→过去式+(e)n
原形过去式过去分词汉语意思wearworeworn穿forgetforgotforgotten忘记speakspokespoken说freezefrozefrozen冻choosechosechosen选择drivedrovedriven驾驶mistakemistookmistaken误解riseroserisen上升shakeshookshaken摇4. 原形→过去式→原形+(e)n
原形过去式过去分词汉语意思eatateeaten吃forbidforbadeforbidden禁止givegavegiven给rideroderidden骑seesawseen看见writewrotewritten写fallfellfallen落下breakbrokebroken打破,折断forgiveforgaveforgiven原谅;宽恕5. 无规律
1. 原形→ought →ought
原形过去式过去分词汉语意思bringbroughtbrought带来buyboughtbought买fightfoughtfought打架thinkthoughtthought思考seeksoughtsought寻求2. 原形→aught →aught
原形过去式过去分词汉语意思catchcaughtcaught捉,抓teachtaughttaught教3. 变其中一个元音字母
原形过去式过去分词汉语意思feedfedfed喂meetmetmet遇见getgotgot得到holdheldheld拥有babysitbabysatbabysat临时照看sitsatsat坐winwonwon赢findfoundfound发现bendbentbent使弯曲digdugdug挖leadledled引导sellsoldsold卖4. 原形→□t→□t
原形过去式过去分词汉语意思feelfeltfelt感到keepkeptkept保持leaveleftleft离开sleepsleptslept睡sweepsweptswept扫smellsmeltsmelt闻;发出气味retellretoldretold复述5. 变其中一个辅音字母
【典型考例1】(2019四川广元)—what did you do the day before yesterday?—i for an english test.a. study b. studied c. studying【析】正确答案:b。句意是:前天你做了什么?我复习英语考试。根据上文的特殊疑问句为一般过去时,下文也应使用同样的时态,所以正确答案为b。【典型考例2】(2019江苏南京)—-wendy, how long have you had the huawei p30 pro?—-a couple of days. i______it last week.a. bought b. buy c. will buy d. have bought【析】正确答案:a。句意是:温蒂,你买了华为p30pro多久了?几天。上周我才买的。因为句末有表示一般过去时的时间状语last week(上周),因此该句动词应使用一般过去时,所以, 正确答案为a。【典型考例3】(2019湖北鄂州)—mary, i remember you ______several years ago.—yes, i______ for 3 years.a. married, have married b. married, married c. married, have been married d. have married, have been married【析】正确答案:c。句意是:玛丽,我记得你几年前结婚了。是的,我已经结婚3年了。第一句的宾语从句末有表示一般过去时的时间状语several years ago(几年前),故宾语从句的动词使用一般过去时。第二句因为句末有“for+段时间”,故句中动词应为表示延续性动词的现在完成时。所以,该题的正确答案为c。【典型考例4】(2019湖北武汉). he_____ his english teacher when he was sightseeing in paris.a.has met b. had met c. met d. would meet【析】正确答案:c。句意是:他在巴黎观光时,遇见了他的英语老师。因为时间状语从句的谓语动词为一般过去时,主语的谓语动词表示动作在同时发生,故时态应一致,所以,正确答案为c。【强化练习】一、根据汉语,写出符合句子意思的单词,使句子完整。1.(2019江苏连云港) leo wanted to catch the cat, but it ran away and_______(藏)behind the bushes in the garden.2.(2019浙江宁波) at the meeting the boss ________ (赞扬) john for the progress he made.3.(2019江苏苏州)miss zhang ________(订购)a dress online two weeks ago, but it hasn’t arrived yet.4.(2019江苏泰州)president xi jinping _______ (颁发) the top science award to liu yongtan and qian qihu for their great contributions to science and technology in january, 2019.5.(2019湖北荆门) the thieves (偷)many things from the supermarket and were put into prison.6.(2019江苏镇江)don’t give eddie anything to eat. i ______(喂,喂养) him just now.二、用所给单词的正确形式,完成句子。1.(2019江苏连云港)louis cha leung–yung , one of the greatest writers, ____ (pass away) last year. he built a fantastic wuxia world and created different types of heroes. 2.(2019湖北武汉)although the storm broke many things apart,it______(bright)families and neighbors closer together.3.(2019湖北鄂州)a hen on my farm (lay) a green egg yesterday.4.(2019广西北部湾经济开发区)in the playground, i threw the ball to her and she____(catch) it.5.(2019黑龙江绥化)jill cooked and _____ (lay) out the dishes on the table. 6.(2019黑龙江龙东地区)the teacher with his students _____ (be) proud of their performance after the school music festival.7.(2019江苏无锡)—can you pour me some tea, please, jenny?—are you sure? i _______(think) you preferred coffee.8.(2019江苏无锡)”i _______(fail) over and over again in my life and there is why i succeed, ” said michael jordan, a famous basketball player.9.(2019江苏南通)we (discover) this beach while we were sailing around the island. 三、单项选择1.(2019四川达州)—alex, why didn’t you answer my call at nine last night ? —sorry, i _____ my mobile phone at home. i ______ basketball in the park with my friends. a.forgot; played b.forgot; was playing c.left; played d.left; was playing 2.(2019甘肃庆阳)—i cant find my english textbook—is it possible that you________ it at home?a. lost b. saw c. left d. gave3.(2019江苏扬州)—my feelings for you have not changed.—but you have changed. you are not as you _____. a. are b. were c. will be d. have been 4.(2019四川德阳)—could you tell meyour holiday, jim? —yes. in singapore.a.where did you spend b.how you spentc.where you spent d.how will you spend5.(2019河北)he_________ me his name, but i can’t remember it now.a. tells b. will tell c. told d. is telling6.(2019湖南邵阳)—jack, you look more handsome in your new shirt today. —oh, really ? i _____ it in a cheap store with my mom. a.buy b.will buy c.bought 7.(2019大庆)—my car ____ yesterday. could you please give me a ride tomorrow? —i’m sorry i can’t. i’m ____ dalian tomorrow morning. a.breaks down; flying at b.has broken down; flying at b.broke down; flying to d.had broken down; flying to8.(2019广西桂林)he hasn’t communicated much with his parents since he _____ a mobile phone last year. a.got b.get c.gets 9.(2019昆明)—where did you go last winter vacation?—i______to london with my family.a.go b.have gone c.went d.was going10.(2019青海)—______ a big clock on the wall ? —yes, but it was broken in the earthquake. a.have you got b.did you have c. was there 11.(2019河北)he_________ me his name, but i can’t remember it now.a. tells b. will tell c. told d. is telling12.(2019甘肃天水)the teacher asked li hua .a. why is he late for class b. why he is late for classc. why was he late for class d. why he was late for class13.(2019贵州铜仁)“could you tell me ___ last night?” “about ten.”a. when was the party over b. when the party was overc. when is the party overd. when the party is over四、完成句子1.(2019天津)上周,我的朋友大卫带着一本新书到我家来访。last week. my friend david with a new book.2.(2019甘肃敦煌)自我开始学英语以来,我结识了很多外国朋友。i have made many foreign friends_________ i ________learning english.3.(2019四川眉山)当爸爸承诺给我买一个ipad的时候,我多么激动啊!when my father to buy me an ipad, excited i was!4.(2019江苏连云港)yesterday afternoon my brother (花了两个小时安装)a new light in our bedroom.5.(2019江苏连云港) suddenly, lucy saw a policeman near the bus station. “i may ask him for help” she(自言自语)6.(2019江苏淮安)今天早晨我们吃光了所有的蔬菜,最好去超市买一些。we _____ all the vegetables this morning, so we _______ buy some in the supermarket.7.(2019湖北黄冈)2019年亚洲文明对话大会上个月在北京举行。(take)asian dialogue conference 2019_____ ___ in beijing last month.8.(2018江苏无锡)赫本在《罗马假日》中扮演一位公主,堪称经典。hepburn a princess in roman holiday and it is a classic.9.(2019江苏无锡)写作占去了我四分之三的假期,但我乐在其中。writing my holiday, but i enjoyed myself.10.(2019辽宁抚顺)弗兰克想出了这个好主意。frank this good idea.11.(2019内蒙古赤峰)上周, jack从图书馆借了 5本书。jack the library last week.12.(2019江苏扬州)在那个时候,他别无选择,只能依靠自己。 13.(2019山东潍坊)上学期,玲玲的诗获得了一等奖。(win) 14.(2019四川达州)2019四川达州)steve with me read yu gong moves a mountain in the library last month.steve with me _______ _______ yu gong moves a mountain in the library last month.15.(2019黑龙江绥化)2019黑龙江绥化)he cut the watermelon into four pieces. ______ he______ the watermelon into four pieces?答案一、1.hid; 2.praised; 3.ordered; 4.issued; 5.stole; 6.fed二、1.passed away, 2.brought;3.laid;4.caught;5.laid;6.was; 7.thought; 8.failed; 9.discovered三、1–5:dcbcc;6–10: cbacc; 11–13: cdb.四、1.came around;2.since,
started/began; 3.promised,how; 4.spent two hours fixing;5.said to herself; 6.ate up,had better; 7.took place; 8. acted as/ played a role as9.took up three fourths / quarters of; 10.came up with/ thought of/ thought up;11.borrowed five books from; 12.he had no choice but to depend on himself at that time. ;13.lingling’s poem /poems won thew first prize last term; 14.didn’t read ; 15.did, cut; 写在最后:期待同学们在下方留言“每日打卡”,让我看到你们的坚持!同学们需要哪些学习资料可以在下方留言告诉我哦~




