







Hello、How do you do? 你好!How are you? 你好吗?Are you well?你还好吗?How are you doing?你好吗?How’s it going? 近况如何?What’s going on? 迩来怎么样?How is everything? 悉数都好吗?How are things with you?你好吗?How is everything going?悉数都好吗?How is everything with you?你怎么样?What is in the garden?花园里有啥?Let’s go to the garden.让咱们去花园吧。She came to the garden. 她来到这个花园。Is this your garden?这是你们家的花园吗?I like flowers in the garden.我喜爱花园里的花。I love flying kites in the grass.我喜爱在绿草地上放风筝。The earth in the garden is good, soft soil.花园里的泥土松软肥美。There are all kinds of flowers in the garden.花园里有林林总总的花。I like playing with my friends in the garden.我喜爱在花园里和兄弟玩。After the rain, there are many small earthworms in the garden.下过雨后花园里有许多小蚯蚓。It’s in the sea.在海里。Where is the sun?太阳在哪?I love the beach.我喜爱沙滩。Let’s go to the beach.让咱们去海滩吧。people lying on the beach.躺在海滩上的我们。The sun is behind the cloud.太阳躲在云后边。Mr.Bean is going to beach.憨豆先生正在去沙滩路上。I want to go to the beach tourism.我要去海滩上旅行。I like to pile castles in the sand.我喜爱在沙滩上堆城堡。Some tourists are lying on the beach.有一些游客正躺在沙滩上。Help!救命We did it !咱们成功啦!Here we go!让咱们初步吧!Are you ready ?预备好了吗?I love boating.我喜爱划船。The ship is leaving.轮船启航咯。There are many boats on the sea.海上有许多船。I am very happy to go boating with my daddy.和父亲一同去划船很开心。Boating is very interesting .划船很风趣。What about going for a row?一同去划船好吗?Yum!好吃I’m full!吃饱了!Is it hot? 热么?Are you hungry?你饿吗?Yes, I am.是,我饿了。Let’s eat!咱们一同吃吧!I’ll feed you.嗡炒喂你。I like apples.我喜爱苹果。What’s for dinner?晚餐吃啥?I am eating my lunch.我正在吃午饭。二、往常对话用语

I have one apple.我有一个苹果。I have two pears.我有两个梨子。I have three pencils.我有三支笔。A lion has four legs.狮子有4条腿。I have three comic books.我有三本漫画书。Can you give me a pen?你能给我一支笔吗?Can you lend me a pen?你能借我一支钢笔吗?I am a first grade student.我是一大学重生。I can give you two candies.我可以给你两块糖。I want to eat a piece of cake.我想吃一块蛋糕。I want to eat a bunch of grapes.我想吃一串葡萄。There is only one moon in the sky.天上只需1个月亮。There are five peaches on the plate.盘子里有5个桃子。There are 6 little ducks in the pond.池塘里有6只小鸭子。There are seven coins on the table.有7个硬币在桌上。You have slept eight hours.你现已睡了8个小时了。You need to do your homework at nine o’clock.你9点要去做你的作业。Here is ten dollars for you.给你十美元。I am three years old.我本年3岁了。My dad is thirty years old.我父亲30岁。My mother is twenty-eight years old.我母亲28岁。Ten to one I’m going to win.我有极大的可以要赢。How many kittens are there in your family?你家有几只小猫?I thought you had one dog and one cat.我认为你有一条狗和一只猫。The candy shop opens twenty four seven.这个糖块店任何时分都开门。三、家庭往常对话

I love mommy.我爱妈咪。Where is dad?父亲在哪里?Where is mom?母亲在哪里?I love my family.我爱我的家人。I love my mommy.我爱我的母亲。I love my dad.我爱我的父亲。This is my uncle.这是我叔叔。This is my aunt.这是我阿姨。This is my cousin.这是我堂弟。The baby is so cute.宝宝好心爱。I have a sister.我有一个姐姐。This is my brother.这是我哥哥。Are you sleeping?你睡觉了吗?Where is your brother?你的哥哥在哪?Dad works very hard.父亲作业很辛苦。My mother likes cooking.母亲喜爱煮饭。My brother likes dancing.哥哥喜爱跳舞。My sister likes singing.姐姐喜爱歌唱。This is my grandparents.这是我的爷爷奶奶。My mother just had a baby.我母亲刚生了宝宝。My brother loves me very much.我的哥哥很爱我。Please say bye-bye to your daddy.和父亲说再会。My grandfather is seventy years old.我的爷爷70岁了。I have a brother and two sisters.我有一个哥哥和两个姐姐。When will daddy come home?父亲啥时分回家?四、关于时刻的口语

It’s twelve.十二点了。I’m late. 我要迟到了。What’s the time?几点了?What time is it?几点了?It’s noon.如今是正午12点。Let’s go home.让咱们回家吧。My watch is fast.我的表马上。It’s time for class. 该上课了。It’s just after three.刚过3点。It’s almost three.马上到3点了。It’s not quite three.还不到3点。It’s ten to ten.如今是9点50分。It’s eight thirty.如今是8点30分。It’s ten past eight.如今是8点非常。I’ll leave at 9:15.我9点一刻出门。It’s (twelve) midnight.如今是深夜零点。It’s seven in the morning.如今是早上7点。It’s three in the afternoon.如今是下午3点。Stay just a few minutes longer.就再待几分钟。Could you set the alarm for seven?你能把闹钟定在7点吗?五、关于方位的口语It’s over there.在那儿。Go along this street.沿着这条街走。It’s next to the school.就在学校周围。It’s in front of the school.在学校前面。Home is on your right side.家在你的右边。Please stand on my right.请站在我的右边。Where does this road lead?这条路通向哪儿?lt’s opposite your school.就在你学校正面。The elevator is straight ahead.电梯在前方。Candy shop is on your left side.糖块屋在你的左面。The flower is on the left of the tree.花在树的左面。You are walking in the wrong direction.你走错方向了。It’s opposite the railway station.它就在火车站对面。The shop is on the right of my home.商铺在我家的右边。Put your right hand and left foot.伸出你的右手和左脚。Turn right at first crossroads.在第一个十字路口向右转。It’s about a 30-minute walk.差不多得走30分钟的旅程。Cross that bridge,it’s on your left.过了那座桥,它在你左面。Touch your right foot with your right hand.用你的右手踫你的右脚。I’m going that way, so I can take you there.我要去那里,所以我可以带你去那。六、蔬菜

pea豌豆Ginger姜leek韭菜Onion洋葱olive橄榄Celery芹菜radish萝卜lentil扁豆Tomato蕃茄Mooli白萝卜caraway香菜loquat枇杷Spinach菠菜carrot胡萝卜agarics木耳Potato马铃薯Carrot红萝卜mushroom蘑菇Lotus Root藕Aubergine茄子cole rape油菜tarragon 蒿菜Sweet corn玉米Cucumber大黄瓜mung bean绿豆Radish小红萝卜Wax gourd冬瓜yam山药、蕃薯towel gourd丝瓜Watercress西洋菜green pepper青椒Beansprout绿豆芽Dwarf Bean四季豆sweet corn甜玉米lettuce生菜、莴苣bean sprout豆芽菜green soy bean毛豆pumpkin cushaw南瓜Chinese cabbage白菜cabbage甘蓝、卷心菜Chinese mugwort艾蒿day-lily buds黄花菜water spinach空心菜dried lily flower金针菜Don’t spill the soup!别把汤洒了。The cloves are tasty.丁香很甘旨。Where are the tomatoes?西红柿在哪儿?I used to eat leek.我曩昔常常吃韭菜。The vegetables are fresh.蔬菜很新鲜。The cinammon is so soft.这个肉桂很软。Finish up your plate.把碗里的饭吃洁净。The cantaloupe is so sweet.这个哈密瓜很甜。I can bear cauliflowers.我不能忍耐花椰菜。Eat all of your vegetables.把碗里的蔬菜吃光。I like eating taroes so much.我很喜爱吃芋头。We had broccoli for dinner.咱们晚饭吃的西兰花。Would you like some potatoes?你想要害儿马铃薯吗?Do you want some tomato paste?你想来点西红柿酱吗?What’s your favorite vegetable?你最喜爱啥蔬菜?The vegetable is good for our health.蔬菜对安康有利。I don’t like the flavor of onion.我不喜爱洋葱的味道。Chop the celery and add it to the salad.把芹菜切碎放到沙拉里。Eating more vegetables is good for your health.多吃蔬菜有利安康。Which do you like better,carrot or potato?胡萝卜和马铃薯你比照喜爱哪一个?We should eat more vegetables to keep healthy.咱们大约吃更多的蔬菜坚持安康。The children were too full of beans to sit still.成人子一般都精力旺盛,很难稳稳地坐着。It is a pizza with beef, potato, green pepper and onion.披萨里有牛肉、马铃薯、青椒和洋葱。七、穿衣

There you go.这姿势好啦!Dress yourself.自个穿衣裳。We are going out.咱们要出门了。Fold up your clothes.叠好衣裳。What should I wear?穿啥好呢?You’regrowing fast.你长得真快。Straighten your collar.拉直衣领。Hurry up and get dressed.快换衣裳。It fits you perfectly.对你来说正好。Let’s put on your pants.把裤子穿上。Pull your pants up.把你的裤子提起来。You can’t miss it! 你不可以能找不到的!Your shoes are worn out.你的鞋穿坏了。You are getting dressed.你在穿衣裳呢。Your sweater is inside-out.毛衣穿反了。It’s too loose for you.对你来说太宽松了。Go and get dressed.去把出门的衣裳穿上吧。Go and put on your T-shirt.去把T恤穿上吧。Don’t wear sandals outdoors.别穿凉鞋出门。Your shoes have holes in them.你的鞋子破了。Take extra clothes with you.多带点儿衣裳。Yours socks don’t match.你的袜子不是一双的。Let me undress you first.让我给你先把衣裳脱掉。Let’s slip oon your shoes.咱们来把你的鞋穿上吧。Let’s button your shirt.咱们来把衬衣的扣子扣上。Son,it looks great on you.儿子,你看起来很帅。Now,let’s put on your shirt.好了,如今给你穿T恤吧。Choose what you want to wear? 你想穿啥自个选吧。Can you get dressed by yourself?你可以自个穿衣裳吗?It’s too tight for you,you’ve outgrown your clothes.对你来说太紧了,你长大了。8、运动

Just walk while you bounce.边拍球边走。The balls on the field go bounce.场上的球反弹。Let’s play with the balls together.咱们一同玩球。Try to bounce the ball with your fingers.试着用手指拍球。Let’s pass the football down the field.让咱们把足球传下来。Keep your arms out and try to catch it.翻开双臂,试着把球接住。Just throw it in the air, but towards mommy.把球扔到空中,不过要冲着母亲。九、动物

Birds can fly.小鸟会飞。Monkey is cute.山公好心爱。Here is a snake.这是一条蛇。Here is a fish.这是一条鱼儿。Here is a frog.这是一只青蛙。Here is a bird.这是一只鸟儿。That is a panda.那是一只熊猫。I am afraid of snakes.我惧怕蛇。Here is a gerbil.这是一只小沙鼠。Here is a puppy.这是一只小狗宝宝。Here is a bunny.这是一只小兔宝宝。Here is a kitten.这是一只小猫宝宝。What animal is that?那是啥动物?How do you count cows?你怎么数牛?The bird moves so fast.鸟飞得好快。Look!They are rolling.看!他在地上翻跟斗。Do you like small animals?你喜爱小动物吗?Little fish live in the water.小鱼日子在水里。My favorite animal is a cat.我最喜爱的动物是小猫。The lion is the king of the forest.狮子是森林之王。Dad, can you put the cat out?父亲,你能把猫关到外面吗?I like elephant.Because they can dancing!我喜爱大象。因为他们会跳舞呢!Sammy is extremely sad due to his canine friend’s death.萨米很哀痛,因为她的狗狗死了。Selena kept saying “Meow”, as if she is a feline.赛琳娜像猫科动物相同不断地在”喵喵”叫。十、气候

It’s foggy.起雾了。It’s sunny.是晴天。I am melting.我快融化了。Beautiful day.气候真好。It’s clearing up.天放晴了。The sun is shining.艳阳高照。How’s the weather?气候怎么样?A typhoon is coming.飓风快到了。It can get really humid.很湿润。Today is a sunny day.今日是个晴天。It’s a real scorcher.这真是一个大热天。It’s too hot to think.热得我都无法思考。It’s a bit nippy today.今日有点儿凉了!It’s an oven in here.这儿几乎是个大烤箱。What changeable weather! 这气候真是改变无常!There’s not a cloud in the sky.天空万里无云。I hope it will keep fine.我期望气候一向晴下去。It happened to be a sunny day.那天恰巧是个晴天。It’s a fair and breezy day today. 今日风和日丽。I like sunny days and snowy days.我喜爱晴天和下雪天。Wet days alternates with fine days.下雨天和晴天相间而来。I like sunny days. I see the sun.我喜爱晴天。我看见太阳。If it’s fine tomorrow we’ll go out. 假定明每天晴,咱们就出去。Mist in the morning is a sign of good weather. 早晨有雾是晴天的预兆。I like sunny days because I like sunshine.我喜爱晴天,因为我喜爱阳光。It was a sunny day, I went to the Great Wall.在一个大晴天里,我去了长城。十一、身体各部位

头:head下巴:chin脖子:neck肩膀:shoulder手臂:arm 复数:arms躯干:torso腿:leg 复数:legs膝盖:knee脚:foot脚指:Toes大拇哥:Big toe二拇哥:Index toe三拇哥:Middle toeneck, neck脖子,脖子neck勤滚动。shoulder, shoulder肩膀,肩膀shoulder挑重担。arm, arm手臂,手臂arm真健壮。Hand ,hand手掌,手掌hand摆得欢。finger, finger手指,手指finger会数数。Leg ,leg小腿,腿儿leg快步飞。knee, knee膝盖,膝盖knee维护好。foot, foot小脚,小脚foot行千里。toe, toe脚趾,脚趾toe不张扬。翻开mouth深呼吸,揉揉nose 吸吸气,洗洗face提提神,脖子neck扭一扭,手臂arms伸一伸,小手hands拍一拍,腿儿legs踢一踢,膝盖knees蹲一蹲,小脚feet跳一跳,每天训练身体好,双眼eyes大又亮,耳朵ears听得清,脑袋head更聪明,做个新世纪小主人It’s a face.这是脸。It’s a brain.这是大脑。It’s a nose.这是鼻子。It’s a mouth.这是嘴。Hand to hand!近身肉搏!I’m all ears.我洗耳恭听。It’s upper lip.这是上嘴唇。It’s lower lip.这是上嘴唇。My head is pounding.我头痛。My nose is running.我流鼻涕。Touch your nose.摸摸你的鼻子。I have a big head.我有一个大头。I’ve got a runny nose.我流鼻涕。I’ve got a sore throat.我喉咙疼。She’s got chicken legs.她是筷子腿。We don’t see eye to eye.咱们的观念纷歧致。I am trembling with cold.我冷得全身颤栗。Our cat is skin and bones.咱们的猫瘦成精了。We fight shoulder to shoulder.咱们并肩作战。Foreigners have a high nose.外国人的鼻子很高。I’ve been coughing day and night.我一向在咳嗽。She must have a sweet tooth.她必定特别爱吃甜食。You still have a full head of hair.你的头发很旺盛。There is an insect on your shoulder.你的肩膀上有只虫。My mother loves to paint her toena v ils.我的母亲爱涂脚指甲油。If you want a straight back, sit up right.假定你想要后背很直,那就好好坐。十二、表达心境

I made it!成功了!I like it.我喜爱。I feel great.舒畅极了。She is happy.她很开心。I’m very happy.我很开心。Sounds great!听起来不错!I enjoyed it.我很赏识它。Looks great!看上去真不错。Talk about luck.真走运呀!I’m interested.我很感快乐喜爱。Glad to see you.很高兴见到你。Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。You made me happy.你让我感到夸姣。I jumped for joy.我高兴地跳了起来。I’m in good mood today.我今日的心境极好。You look happy today.你今日看上去很高兴。I’ve never been this happy.我从没有这么高兴过。There are so many exuberant children in the park.公园里有许多兴致勃勃的孩子。She was absolutely up in the air because he asked her to the party.他请了她参加晚会,她高兴极了。十三、表达难过、沮丧

I’m tired.我累了。She is sad.她很哀痛。I’m depressed.我很沮丧。Sam is so down.Sam好沮丧。My heart broke.我的心都碎了。It’s depressing.这真让人沮丧。The baby is angry.宝宝很生气。You let me down.你真让我绝望。I am not in the mood.我没有心境Don’t be angry over such trivial matters.别为这些小事生气。They found him in gloomy/sullen mood.他们发现他心境丢失,精神萎顿。十四、秋天来了

It happens every year.它每年都会发生。Autumn is bewitching!好一派诱人的秋色啊!The fruits are ripe in autumn.秋天果子老到了。Why do leaves change color? 叶子为啥会变色?The leaves are changing color.树叶在改动颜色。a maple tree ablaze in autumn.枫叶树在秋天呈赤色The chill of autumn is in the air.秋天的寒意处处感触得到。The trees were naked during autumn.秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。The fallen leaves are beautiful in the fall.秋天的落叶很美。It is bright and fresh in early autumn.初秋的气候分外亮堂新鲜。Autumn is the best season for travelling.秋天是最合适旅行的时节。In autumn, the weather is very dry and cool.秋天的时分,气候很单调和凉快。I think the most beautiful season in a year is autumn.我觉得一年中最秀丽的时节是秋天。As autumn draws near, leaves begin to fall from the trees.跟着秋天的接近, 树叶初步凋谢。Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.生命如此简略,如秋,如落叶。Some trees are red.有些树是赤色的。Collect red leaves.捡几片赤色的树叶。Leaves are colorful.树叶是五颜六色的。Some trees are yellow.有些树是黄色的。Collect yellow leaves.捡几片黄色的树叶。Mountains are colorful.大山是五颜六色的。The weather is still warm.气候仍然有些暖。Eating melon is a custom.我们把瓜吃得欢。I like colorful fall.我喜爱多姿多彩的秋天。I like colorful autumn.我喜爱多姿多彩的秋天。How many leaves do you see? 你看到多少片叶子?I like chesnuts in the fall!我喜爱秋天的板栗!What’s your favourite season?你最喜爱啥时节呢?The sun has gone from the shining skies.太阳脱离了亮堂的天空。The dandelions have closed their eyes.蒲公英闭上了双眼。十五、蛋糕、活动


米苏red velvet cake红丝绒蛋糕brownie布朗尼cupcake纸杯蛋糕chiffon cake戚风蛋糕Napoleons千层酥Chocolate Cheese Cake巧克力起士蛋糕Vanilla Cream Cake香草奶油蛋糕Ice cream is too cold.冰淇淋太冷了。To get some ice cream.咱们去找一些冰淇淋吃。Ice cream is really yummy!那些冰淇淋真甘旨!Mom,I want some ice cream.母亲我想吃冰淇淋。I will treat you an ice-cream.我请你吃冰淇淋。I’d like a scoop of ice cream.我想要一球冰淇淋。Bake me a cake as fast as you can.快快为咱们做个蛋糕。I’d like a banana fudge sundae to go.我要外带一份香蕉圣代。You eat ice cream all over your mouth.你吃的满嘴都是冰淇淋。Ice cream is my favorite and it is very sweet.冰淇淋是我的独爱它很甜。What flavors of ice cream are there in this shop?这家冰淇淋店有哪些口味?That ice cream van has ten flavors of ice cream.那辆冰激凌车有十种口味的冰激凌。Would you like to have it in a cookie cone or in a cup?您是要蛋筒装仍是杯装冰淇淋?I’ll go for two scoops of strawberry ice cream in a cup.我要两球草莓冰激凌,用杯装。Which flavor do you prefer, vanilla,

chocolate, or other else?您想要哪种口味,香草味,巧克力味,或许是其他?Many children would rather eat ice cream from cones than from dishes。许多成人喜爱吃蛋卷冰淇淋胜过盘装冰淇淋。十六、集体活动

Run. 跑。Stop.停。Line up.排队。At ease!稍息。Fall in.集结。Wonderful!太棒了!Count off.报数。Hurry up.快点。Be careful.留心。Don’t move. 别动。Let’s go. 让咱们走。Hand in hand. 手拉手。Stop pushing.不许推搡。Don’t push me.别推我。He’s hitting me!他打我!Make a circle. 围一个圈。Jump on one foot. 单脚跳。One by one. 一个接着一个。You are the winner.你是成功者。You are the first.你是第一名。He takes my toy.他抢我的玩具。Let’s go out.让咱们到室外去。Let’s have a rest. 让咱们歇息一下。I want to go to playground.我想玩大型玩具。Do I need keep the toys?要收玩具吗?Let’s have a race.让咱们来个竞赛。Be slowly,take easy. 慢点,别着急。Teacher, he pushes me.教师,他推我。Let’s go downstairs. 让咱们到楼下去。Don’t push other children.别推另外小兄弟。Let’s play on the ground. 让咱们去操场上玩。It’s time for morning exercises.早操时刻到了。Let’s go back to the

classroom.让咱们回教室。Let’s play home game.咱们玩过家家吧。I want to play with my friend.我想和我的兄弟玩。十七、患病

I got cold.我发烧了。Are you ok?你还好吗?I have a cough.我咳嗽。I got headache.我头疼。Bless you!祝你早点好起来。My teeth got a pain.我牙疼。I’m better today.我今日好了。My stomach hurts.我的肚子痛。Oh!You have a fever!喔!你发烧了。I don’t feel very well.我不舒畅。I was sick yesterday.我昨日病了。Open your mouth, please.来,把嘴翻开。Let’s go to the dentist.咱们去看牙医。Let me feel your pulse.让我把一下你的脉。Let’s go and see the doctor.咱们去看医生。You’re covered with spots.你全身长满了疹子。Let me take your temperature!我来帮你量体温。And take this pill with the water.就着水吃了这药。Honey, do you have a toothache?乖乖,你的牙在痛吗?They itch, right?Don’t scratch!很痒,是不是?别去抓。My boy, you have a cavity.孩子,你的牙齿蛀了一个洞。It must really itch,but don’t scratch.很痒,但不要去抓。Come on!Let’s put on some ointment!来,咱们来涂点药膏。Cover your mouth with your hands.打喷嚏时,要用手遮住嘴巴。My

dear!You have to see the doctor.我的天,你要去看医生了。Our skin rash is getting worse.你的肌肤疹子越来越严峻了。Don’t worry.I put sugar in the water.不要忧虑,我放了糖在水里。Don’t worry! What you need is a good night’s sleep.别忧虑!你只需好好歇息一晚。十8、称号和根柢用语

I我you你(你们)he他she她we咱们they他们mom母亲dad父亲parents父母grandparents祖父母grandma/grandmother(外)祖母grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父son儿子daughter女儿sister姐妹brother兄弟aunt姑姑uncle叔叔/舅舅cousin堂(表)兄弟/堂(表)姐妹man男人woman女人friend兄弟boy男孩girl女孩child孩子baby婴儿kid成人classmate同学neighbour邻居principal校长Wake up,baby.醒醒了,宝物。Quickly,dinner is ready.快点,饭预备好了。What’s your name?你叫啥名字?I’m Andy.我叫Andy。How old are you?你几岁了?I am 7 years old.我7岁了。You are Sam, right?你是Sam,对吗?She’s married.她成婚了。It is an apple.这是个苹果。They haven’t got any children.他们没有成人。Where do you live?你住在哪里?I have the perfect mom.我有个完满的母亲。Come to the table. 来吃饭了。I’m coming.我来了。Be there in a minute.马上来。Where did Mary and dad go?父亲和马丽去哪儿了呢?They are watching TV.他们还在看电视呢。十九、上课

Stand up.起立。Don’t be shy.别害臊。Who is absent?谁没来?Come in, please.请进。Sit down, please.请坐。Be quiet,please.存候静。May I come in?我能进来吗?Is it difficult? 这很它难吗?Stop here./Now stop.到此中止。Who can help her? 谁能协助她?Now do the same.如今你做同一个。Do your best to do.尽最大尽力做好。Let’s have a dictation.咱们听写吧。Who is on duty on Friday?周五谁值日?Read all together now.我们一同读。It’s time for class.上课时刻到了。Let’s begin our class.咱们上课吧。Are you with me?你们跟上我讲的了吗?That’s all for today.今日就讲到这儿。Is anyone anybody absent?有人缺席吗?Ask each other questions.彼此问疑问。Look at my mouth, please.请看我的口型。Have I made myself clear? 我讲理解了吗?Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗?Any volunteer to help him?有谁自愿帮他吗?Please take out your books.请拿出你们的书。Write down the word twice.把这个单词书写两遍。Practice the dialogue, please.请操练这个对话。I’ll call the roll before class.课前我要害名。Who can pronounce this correctly? 谁能发这个音?Please to back to your seat.请回到你的坐位上去。When do you finish your classes?你啥时分下课?Let’s do it. One by one,please.请一个接一个地做。We’ll begin a new lesson today.今日咱们讲学习新课。Ask me if you have questions.假定你有疑问,就来问我。Do it orally before write it out.在写之前作口头操练。Open your books and turn to page22.翻开书,翻到第22页。Please open your books to page46.请翻开书,翻到46页。When do you begin your classes usually?你一般啥时分隔端上课?Let’s review what we learned yesterday.咱们温习一下昨日学过的内容。二十、万圣节

Halloween [hloin] n. 万圣节前夕(指十月三十一日夜)Halloween=All Hallow E’en万圣节前夜(10月31号)也叫万圣夜。pumpkin 南瓜pumpkin lamp 南瓜灯carve a pumpkin 雕刻南瓜Jack-o’-lantern 南瓜灯candle 蜡烛spooky faces 新鲜的脸cosplay 人物扮演;动漫真人秀costume服装,装束;戏装,剧装make up 扮装Trick or tread 不请吃就捣蛋 I dress up as a ghost.我穿得像鬼。 What a horrible night!多么可怕的晚上啊!What are you going to be?你会打扮成啥?My heart keeps pumping。我的心一向跳得凶狠。Are you going to wear a mask?你要带面具吗?Have a great Halloween.愿你有个很棒的万圣节。Let me give you some candies。我给你们些糖块吧。I am making my own costume.我要自个结束我的打扮。I’m going to put on a dark suit。我要穿件黑衣裳。Our masks will scare off the spirits!咱们的面具可以把鬼魂吓走!How should I prepare for Halloween night?在万圣节之夜我该如何预备?What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?万圣节前夕你要穿啥?Dress up like monsters or strange creatures.打扮得像怪物或新鲜的生物。Do you want to help me make a jack-o’-lantern?你情愿帮我做个南瓜/杰克灯吗?The jack-o-lantern is the symbol of Halloween.“空心南瓜灯”是万圣节的标志。They go Trick or treat from house to house at night.他们玩“不款待就捣蛋”的幻术。They can get a lot of candy by the end of the day.一全国来,他们就会得到许多糖块。People use me to make a jack-o-lantern on Halloween. 我们在万圣节时用我制造“磷火”。Older boys put us up to pointing the red statue on Halloween.年岁大的男孩指挥咱们在万圣节前夕将雕像漆红。Few holidays tap into the American psyche so closely as Halloween.与美国人心思最接近的节日莫过于万圣节前夜。The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween costume.当面临那个穿万圣节服装的人时孩子尖叫起来。Children would make Halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns.孩子们会制造林林总总桔黄色南瓜灯作为万圣节的装饰品。    We use the lantern to light the way for skeletons, devils,witches, ghosts, and the dead friends or relatives, for they will visit the earth。咱们用灯笼为骷髅、魔鬼、女巫、鬼魂和死去的兄弟和亲属照路,他们要来人世。It is a happy festival for children. But at the same time, there is a more sinister (阴恶的) side to Halloween.尽管关于孩子们来说这是个欢喜热烈的节日,但与此一起,它也有“阴沉可怖”的一面。二十一、上学

See you later.再会。Class begin.初步上课。How are you?你怎么样?Are you fine?你还好吗?I like school!我喜爱上学。I like reading.我喜爱读书。I have a big bag.我的书包很大。Say hello to teacher.向教师问好。My deskmate is a boy.我的同桌是个男生。My deskmate is a girl.我的同桌是个女人。The teacher asked us to read.教师让咱们读书。There are two books in the bag.书包里有两本书。I like playing with my friends.我喜爱和兄弟一同玩。The food in the school is delicious.学校的饭极好吃。二十二、玩游戏

I want lego.我想要乐高。I like painting.我喜爱画画。I like toy cars.我喜爱玩具轿车。I like playing blocks.我喜爱玩积木。We like to play soccer.咱们喜爱踢足球。We like to play house.咱们喜爱玩过家家。We like to play tag.咱们喜爱玩捉人游戏。We like to play baseball.咱们喜爱打棒球。I like to play crossword.我喜爱玩填字游戏。But we do not play with fire.可是咱们不玩火。We like to play dress-up.咱们喜爱玩打扮游戏。I like camping with my family.我喜爱全家野营。We like to play hide and seek.咱们喜爱玩捉迷藏。We like to play video games.咱们喜爱玩电视游戏。I like running with my mother.我喜爱跟母亲跑步。I like playing basketball with my father.我喜爱跟我父亲打篮球。二十三、家庭日子

My name is Michael.我的名字是迈克尔。My dad likes smoking.我父亲喜爱抽烟。What do grandparents do?爷爷奶奶是做啥的?My mother has four children.我母亲生了四个孩子。My parents used to be teachers.我父母早年是教师。My mother likes doing housework.我母亲喜爱做家务。My grandfather likes murmuring.我爷爷喜爱喃喃自语。I am the oldest of all the children.我在家里是老迈。She loves her new family very much.她非常爱她的家庭。This is a photo of my family.这是一张我的全家福相片。My grandparents love me very much.我的爷爷奶奶很爱我。Mom,I want to watch romantic film.母亲,我想看恋爱片。My mum made coffee every morning.每天早上我母亲都煮咖啡。I like dad driving me to school.我喜爱父亲开车送我上学。My mother makes breakfast for me every morning.每天早上,母亲都为我做早餐。My father always takes me to school every morning.每天早上,我父亲送我上学。As for my parents, they respect my grandparents.至于我的父母,他们很尊敬我爷爷奶奶。Dad, my teacher says tomorrow don’t forget to pay the bill.父亲,教师阐明日不要忘掉交学费。Mom, do you know that Mary in our class is adopted girl?母亲,你晓得咱们班的Mary是被领养的吗?They can have more rest and do whatever they like after they retire.他们退休后,有许多时刻可以做他们喜爱做的事。二十四、赞誉

Bingo!Terrific!太棒了!Marvelous!极好!Nice going!干得好!Good point!说得好!How funny!多风趣呀!You did it.你做到了。You are super!你真棒!How beautiful!多美呀!A big hug!用力抱一下!You are welcome!等待你!You are good/great!你真棒I am the winner!我是成功者!I am the first!我是第一名!You are beautiful!你真秀丽!Great discovery!严峻的发现!You’re special.你是一起的。That’s a nice try.是很棒的测验。What a cutie pie!真是心爱的宝宝!She is so adorable.她真是太心爱了!I knew you could do it.我晓得你能做。You look very smart.你看起来很聪明!It’s a nice day!这是一个极好的一天!You’re a good helper.你是个好辅佐。He is a little darling!他是一个超级小心爱!
