

Catching crabs


1?In the fall of our final year, our mood changed.The relaxed atmosphere of the?preceding?summer?semester, the?impromptu?ball games, the?boatingon the?Charles River, the late-night parties had disappeared, and we all started to get our heads down, studying late, and?attendance?at classes rose?steeply?again.?We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here, that we would never get a chance like this again, and we became determined not to waste it.?Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year.?No one wanted the?humiliationof finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong.?Libraries which were once empty after five o'clock in the afternoon were standing room only until the early hours of the morning, and guys wore the bags under their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their?diligence.


2?But there was something else.?At the back of everyone's mind?was what we would do next, when we left university in a few months' time.?It wasn't always the high-flyers?with the top grades who knew what they were going to do. Quite often it was the quieter, less impressive students who had the next stages of their life?mapped out.?One had landed a job in his brother's advertising firm in?Madison Avenue, another had got a?script?under?provisional?acceptance?in?Hollywood.?The most?ambitious?student among us was going to work as a party?activist?at a local level. We all saw him?ending up?in?congress?one day.?But most people?were either looking to continue their studies, or to make a living with a white-collar job in a bank, local government, or anything which would pay them enough to have a comfortable time in their early twenties, and then?settle down?with a family, a?mortgage?and some hope of?promotion.


3?I went home at?Thanksgiving, and?inevitably, my brothers and sisters kept asking me what I was planning to do. I didn't know what to say.?Actually, I did know what to say, but I thought they'd probably?criticize?me, so I told them what everyone else was thinking of doing.


4?My father was watching me but saying nothing.Late in the evening, he invited me to his study.?We sat down and he poured us a drink.


5?"So?" he said.


6?"Er … so what?"


7?"So what do you really want to do?" he asked.


8?My father was a lawyer, and I had always assumed he wanted me to go to law school, and follow his path through life. So I hesitated.


9?Then I replied, "I want to travel, and I want to be a writer."


10?This was not the answer I thought he would expect. Travel? Where? A writer? About what??I?braced?myself for some?resistance?to the idea.


11?There was a long silence.


12?"Interesting idea," he said finally.


13?There was another long silence.


14?"I kind of wish I'd done that when I was your age."


15?I waited.


16?"You have plenty of time. You don't need to go into a career which pays well just at the moment. You need to find out what you really enjoy now, because if you don't, you won't be successful later."


17?"So how do I do this?"


18?He thought for a moment.?Then he said, "Look, it's late. Let's take the boat out tomorrow morning, just you and me. Maybe we can catch some crabs for dinner, and we can talk more."


19?It was a Small motorboat,?moored?ten minutes away, and my father had owned it for years.?Early next morning we set off along the?estuary. We didn't talk much, but enjoyed the sound of the seagulls and the sight of the estuary?coastline?and the sea beyond.


20?There was no?surf?on the?coastal?waters at that time of day, so it was a Smooth half-hour ride until my father switched off the motor.?"Let's see if we get lucky," he said, picked up a?rusty?mesh?basket with a rope attached and threw it into the sea.


21?We waited a while, then my father stood up and said, "Give me a hand with this," and we?hauled upthe crab cage onto the?deck.


22?Crabs fascinated me. They were so easy to catch.?It wasn't just that they crawled into such an obvious trap, through a Small hole in the lid of the basket, but it seemed as if they couldn't be bothered to crawl out again even when you took the lid off. They just sat there, waving their claws at you.


23?The cage was?brimming?with dozens of soft shell crabs, piled high on top of each other.?"Why don't they try to escape?"?I wondered aloud to my father.


24?"Just watch them for a moment. Look at that one, there! He's trying to climb out, but every time the other crabs pull him back in," said my father.


25?And we watched.?The crab climbed up the mesh towards the lid, and sure enough, just as it reached the top, one of its fellow crabs reached out,?clamped?its claw onto any available leg, and pulled it back.?Several times the crab tried to?defyhis fellow?captives, without luck.


26?"Now watch!" said my father.?"He's starting to get bored with this game."


27?Not only did the crab give up its lengthy struggle to escape, but it actually began to help stop other crabs trying to escape.?He'd finally chosen an easy way of life.


28?Suddenly I understood why my father had suggested catching crabs that morning.?He looked at me. "Don't get pulled back by the others," he said. "Spend some time figuring out who you are and what you want in life. Look back at the classes you're taking, and think about which ones were most?productive?for you personally. Then think about what's really important to you, what really interests you, what skills you have. Try to?figure out?where you want to live, where you want to go, what you want to earn, how you want to work. And if you can't answer these questions now, then take some time to find out. Because if you don't, you'll never be happy."


29?He paused.


30?"So you want to travel?" he asked.


31?"Yes," I replied.


32?"Better get you a passport. And you want to be a writer?"


33?"I think so."


34?"Interesting choice. We've never had a writer in the family," he said.


35?My father started the motor and we set off back home.















7?“你毕业后到底想做什么?” 他问道。

























































We are all dying


1?I have some good news and some bad news for you (as the joke goes).?The bad news – and I'm very sorry to be the?bearer?– is that we are all dying.?It's true. I've?checked it out. In fact, I've double- and?triple-checked it.?I've had it?substantiated?and, well, there's no easy way to say it, we are dying.?It's something that I always kind of knew, but never really chose to think about too much.?But the fact is, within the next 70 or 80 years – depending on how old you are and how long you last – we are all going to be either?coffindwellers?or?trampled?ash in the rose garden of some local?cemetery.?We may not even last that long.?After all, we never quite know when the?hooded,?scythe-carrying, bringer-of-the-last-breath might come a-calling. It could be sooner than we'd like.?I have watched death from the?sidelines, quite recently in fact, and nothing underlines the?uncertainty?and absolute?frailty?of humanity like the?untimely?exit of a friend.




3?Now that I have depressed you, here's the good news. Knowing that we are all?budding?crypt-kickers?takes away all the uncertainty of life.?We already know how the story ends. The?prologueand?epilogue?are already?typed in. All that's left is the middle bit and?that's down to us.?We get to choose?the meat of?the story.


4?So, all those plans that you have?on the back burner, you know, the great things you're going to do with your life "when the time is right"??Well, the time is never quite right, I find.?It needs to be brought forward and done now, this minute,?pronto, in a hurry, as quick as your little legs will carry you.?The novel that you want to write, the trip to the?Grand Canyon?you've always planned to take, your mind's-eye dream job, the?West Endplay you want to direct – you have to do them now.We're dying, see.?It's official.


5?So putting your dreams on the back burner until the circumstances are right means that they'll probably never be realized.?Our only regrets in life are the things we don't do. We owe it to ourselves to go out and do them now before it's too late.Tomorrow??It's all a lie; there isn't a tomorrow. There's only a?promissory note?that we?are often not in a position to cash.?It doesn't even exist.When you wake up in the morning it'll be today again and all the same rules will apply.?Tomorrow is just another version of now, an empty field that will remain so unless we start planting some seeds.?Your time, which is ticking away as we speak (at about 60 seconds a minute?chronologically; a bit faster if you don't?invest?your time?wisely), will be gone and you'll have nothing to show for it but regret and a?rear-view mirror?full of "could haves", "should haves" and "would haves".


6?Have you ever noticed when you go to a?buffetrestaurant how they give you a bowl the size of a saucer and then say, "Have as much salad as you like but you can only go up once"??Life is like that Small salad bowl. Like the hungry people waiting for their main course, we can?cram?as much into that tiny bowl as we can carry.?I love watching people?ingeniously?stack the?cucumber?around the side of the bowl – like they're filling a?skip?– and then cramming it so high that they have to hire a?forklift truck?to get it back to the table.?They're not greedy. They just know that they only?have one shot at it.


7?Fill your bowl. We come this way but once so let's?make the best of the short stay. Like the once-a-year holiday to?Florida?or?Spain.?Fit as much into the short time there as you can.?Make sure that you go back home?knackered?because you got so much done.


8?If you don't want to be a postman then don't be a postman. Give it up and be a painter, a writer, a?tobogganist, whatever.?Just don't be something that you?patently?do not want to be.


9?And now is the time, not tomorrow.?There is no time like the present.?If you can't have what you want this very second the least you can do is start the journey now, this minute, while the?inspirationis high.?We all have the same amount of minutes, we all get the same 24 hours as?Branson?and Gates.?It's just what we do with our time, how we invest it, that determines where our lives may lead.


10?So what I'm thinking is (and this is not?molecularscience) if we are dying and our?allotted?time is?finite, why the hell aren't we doing all the things we want to do NOW??What's all this?back-burnerstuff??And why are we all waiting for the right time when we already know that the right time isn't going to show??The right time is the cheque that's?permanently?in the post, it never arrives.?It's the girl who keeps us standing at the corner of the?Co-op?looking like a?spanner.?No amount of clock watching will change the?inevitable. She's?stood us up.


11?We wait; the right time never arrives.


12?So I say stop waiting and meet?providencehalfway.?Start filling your life with the riches on offer so that when?the Reaper?arrives, you'll have achieved so much, crammed your time so full that he'll fall asleep waiting for your life to flash before your eyes.


13?Act now or your time will?elapse?and you'll end up as a?sepia-coloured relative that no one can put a name to in a dusty photo album.


14?Better to leave a?biography?as thick as a whale?omelette?than an?epitaph:


15?"Joe Smith?… hmm. He didn't do much, did he?"































15?“乔?史密斯…… 嘿嘿,他没干过什么,对吧?”

Rites of passage


Is life just “one damned thing after another”, as the American author?Elbert Hubbard?wrote a hundred years ago, taking a rather?fatalisticviewpoint? Or is it an?obstacle race?, in which the?contestants?– human beings everywhere – have to show their worth at certain?crucial?stages of their lives?


The sad?clown?Jacques?in Shakespeare’s play?As You Like It?suggests that there are “seven ages” to a person’s existence, and the phenomenon of rites of passage in almost every society confirms that we prefer to think of life in terms of these stages, such as childhood, middle age and old age.


A rite of passage is a?formal?recognition of change,?imposed?by society, of a move from one stage to another, the most?universally?recognized one being the?transition?between childhood and?adulthood. This can take very different forms. For example, in Jewish tradition one of the most important moments in a boy’s life, marked by a religious ceremony and a family?feast, is the?bar mitzvah, when boys become responsible for their actions – at the age of 13. This is roughly the same age that children can be held?legally?responsible in many countries.


A very different rite of passage is the tradition of the?prom?at the end of American high school. This is a dance with a difference. Students have to wear formal clothes – many for the first time in their lives – and it is usual to hire an expensive?limousine?to arrive at the prom. It is as if, for one night, they behave like adults twice their age – or at least look older than they really are.


Perhaps one of the most interesting rites of passage is the?walkabout?of Australian aborigines, when?adolescents?would be required to spend about six months walking alone through the wilderness, following the paths of their ancestors along the age-old “songlines” which mapped out the country. In so doing they?penetrated?the heart of?aboriginal?culture – the oldest?continuous?culture in the world – and, in the process, discovered themselves too.














According to the National Center ? for Education Statistics, about 80 percent of students in the United States ? end up changing their major at least once. Some students start college with a ? major their parents or relatives picked for them. In most cases, these ? students struggle to make a decision, because they don't know how to confront ? their loved ones about a change in their intended career. Some students ? decide to change majors because they are struggling in basic courses for ? their intended major, while some others have come to so detest their major ? that they find it necessary to switch to another that they really love. ? Experts believe that there is nothing wrong with realizing that your major ? doesn't suit your skills and talents. In fact, the ability to make such a ? realization is a sign of maturity. The trick is to find a major that does ? suit you Better. Before making the switch, you need to meet with an academic ? advisor, research your choice by talking to professors or professionals, and ? ask yourself serious questions about whether it is the right choice for you.



As the Chinese saying goes, it is important to know oneself. The first person to put forward this notion was Laozi, who wrote in his book?Dao De Jing: "A person who knows others is intelligent, but a person who knows himself is insightful." To know oneself is to have a correct understanding of oneself, including one's strengths and limitations, and to be clear-minded about what one can do. We cherish this virtue so much precisely because it is really hard for people to know themselves. Knowing oneself is both part of a philosophy of life and a virtue that can facilitate self-improvement and attainment of a higher life goal.

