
im not legally okay to share it.? 这个不能说的
they speak english from day to day everytime.? ?他们每天都在讲英语
thats why my english is such a broken thing.? ?这就是我英语为啥这么烂
you english is phenomenal.? 你的英语很棒欸? ???/f??nɑ?m?nl/?
i got interested in like other shows, like variety shows,other than just like english shows, i think there was a lot of references to cultural icons. i think through a time, be able to communicate, using some of the sketches from this.
its all thoese small things combined together that affects the outcome.
lies are always lame.? ?鬼话是站不住脚的
its so lame.? 太逊了
doing something you like and running with it. just getting really deep in it. just do what you like and everything will all work out.
some of thoes homeless people are actually good human beings who are just down on thier luck, theyre?deserving of love,respect and recognition.
if its a non-working day,ill definitely hit the gym.? 假定不是作业日的话我都会去健身运动
like 50 mins or 30 mins, i try to fit it in a pocket.? ?我尽量在30分钟,50分钟搞掂它
they got

drunk on vodka.? 他们喝伏特加醉了
its going to be a lot less of a big deal.? 这些事都不算啥
throughout the world? =? all over the world? 全世界
not a single one of us here today has done it along.? 咱们在这的每一自个并非仅凭自个走到这一步
you dont always get all the things in the bag.? 你不是总能掌控一切作业的
learn to live alongside cringe.?/kr?nd?/? ? 学会和为难共存
getting back up, dusting yourself off.? ?振奋起来,从头启航
you really are the whole package.? 你真是万能啊
chow the hell down?

hit the road? ??初步流浪,上路(旅行)
i have some time to kill before dinner.? 间隔晚餐前还有时刻
touchdown in nyc.? ?纽约市中心
are u more go with the flow?? ? (组织好行程)你跟着我走好吗?
fingers crossed i really want some udon rigth now.? ?保佑咱们吧我如今很想吃乌冬面
he wasnt too fond of em.? ?他如同不太喜爱他们
ive got? like a layer of sweat glaze all over my face and body.? 我身上和脸都又一层汗(黏糊糊的)
we are headed out to dinner.? 咱们要出去吃晚餐了
throw a fit? 怒形于色大发脾气
i am feeling?really out of it.? 我身体有点不舒畅
i dont think itll hit me till i actually see her face.? ?直到见到他前我都不信赖这是真的
i need to hop on a quick call with my accountant.? ?我要和我的会计打个电话
i chugged down like a little yogurt thing.? 我一会儿喝许多酸奶饮品
it definitely feel like? i had vitamin d deficiency.? ?我感触我短少维他命d
its sunny out.? 太阳出来了(晴天了)
lets head on out.? ?咱们启航吧
it was on a health kick this week。? 这周很重视安康
almost two hours later,we made it to the top.? ?用了两小时咱们总算登顶了
something just popped in my mind right now that ……? 俄然想到一件事…..
at long last is,frankly, moving beyong words.? ?最终,率直讲,感动得难以言表
hit a roadblock? ?遇到瓶颈、困难、妨碍
pose some questions? ? 问疑问
my stomach intantly filled with knots.? ?我好严峻啊
we can learn to enhance what is positive and discard what is negative.? 添加活泼地作业和摒弃低沉的作业
what would the next leg of my journey look like?? ?我人生下一个旅程会是怎么样的呢?
