




rent 租借;租金 

rental 租赁业务

licence 驾照

deposit 押金

insurance 保险

fill up 装满,填充

agreement 协议

contract 合同

pick up 取车

drop off 还车

invoice 发票

automatic 自动

manual 手动

Fasten your belt系安全带

roll down the window把车窗打开

Hid the brakes!刹车

full insurance 全险

low protection强制险

LDW(Loss Damage Waiver)=CDW(Collision Damage Waiver) 碰撞险

1.I want to rent a car.我想租辆车。

2.Excuse me, can I rent a car?你好,我要租车!

3.I'd like to keep the car for one more week.我要多租辆车

4.What size are you thinking?你想要哪种类型的呢?

5.Where and when would you like to go?您想去哪里以及你想要什么时候去呢?

6.Automatic or stick shift?自动档还是手动档?

7.I want to rent an economy car.我要租一辆经济型轿车。

8.I want to rent a car with a good stereo.我想租一辆音响好点的车子。

9.We have compact, medium , and full size.我们有小型轿车, 中等的,和大型轿车。

10.Compact、sedan、van or a coupe?小轿车、家庭房车、货车还是双门跑车?

11.How about mileage and gas?里数和汽油怎么算?

12.Do I have to fill up when I check in?我还车的时候需要加满油吗?

13.There is no charge for mileage.里数方面我们不索费。

14.Is there a deposit?要保证金吗?

15.Any special rate/discount?有特别的优惠吗?

16.What are your daily rates?你们一天收费多少?

17.What are your daily rates?你们的每日租金是多少钱?

18.How much do you charge for renting a car?租一辆车要多少钱?

19.It's $80 per day.80一天。

20.I'm going to rent it for 20 days.我租20天。

21.I will take it.我就要这辆了。

22.Have a nice trip.祝您旅途愉快。

23.Can I pay by credit card?可以刷信用卡吗?

24.Where can I pick it up?我什么时候可以提车?

25.The car isn't running smoothly.车开起来不太对劲。

26.You need to return the car here.你必须把车开回这里。

27.What does this insurance cover?这项保险包括什么内容?

28.Please arrange a child safety seat.请准备一张儿童安全座椅。

29.May I see your driving licence, please?请看一下您的驾照。

30.You must return the car with a full tank of gas.你必须加满了油再还回去。




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