
继续读这本《dinosaur before dark》,神奇树屋系列读物的第一本第8章“a giant

jack jumped behind the magnolia tree.
his heart was beating so fast he could hardly think.
he peeked out at the giant monster. the horrible-looking creature was opening and closing his huge jaws. his teeth were as big as steak knives.
dont panic. think.
jack peered down at the valley.

这段值得注意的句子: his teeth were as big as steak knives. 一个比较好用的比喻句式: as… as. ,这里as big as steak knives, 表示与切牛排用的刀一样大。还有as busy as a bee, 和蜜蜂一样忙。

说到牙齿锋利,让我想起读《猫武士》时学到的一个表达:thorn-sharp teeth.

另外,注意peer的用法,这里表示仔细看, 端详”, look at something closely。

good, the duck-billed dinosaurs were sticking close to their nests.
good, the monster still didnt seem to know he was there,
dons information in the book.
jack opened the dinosaur book. he found
tyrannosaurus rex. he read:
tyrannosaurus rex was the largest meat-eating land animal of all time. if it were alive today, it would eat a human in one bite.
great. the book was no help at all.
okay. he couldnt hide on the other side of the hill. the anatosauruses might stampede.

这段里面注意stampede,表示“争先恐后地奔逃”, 例如:
the crowd stampeded and many were crushed or trampled underfoot.

okay. he couldnt run to the tree house. the tyrannosaurus might run faster.
okay. maybe he should just wait. wait for the monster to leave.
jack peeked around the tree.
the tyrannosaurus had wandered closer to the hill.
something caught jacks eye. annie was coming down the rope ladder! was she nuts? what was she doing?
jack watched annie hop off the ladder.
she went straight to the pteranodon. she was talking to him. she was flapping
her arms. she pointed at jack, at the sky, at the tree house.
she was nuts!

这段主要讲annie又开始不听话了。她跳下了梯子,hop off the ladder。

suddenly jack heard a roar.
the tyrannosaurus rex was looking in his direction.
jack hit the ground.
the tyrannosaurus rex was coming toward the hill.
jack felt the ground shaking.
should he run? crawl back into dinosaur valley? climb the magnolia tree?
just then a giant shadow covered jack. he looked up.
the pteranodon was gliding overhead. the giant creature sailed down toward the top of the hill.
he was coming straight for jack.

朝某个方向看去,注意使用look in the direction of… 用介词in.


1 仔细看; 端详 peer
2 争先恐后奔逃 stampede

