

1. we are____(能够的,有能力的) to get to xiamen by emu now.
2. mr. lin is giving a talk____(关于) how to face the challenges.
3. the plane is flying____(在上方) the clouds.
4. to succeed, you must____(接受) challenges.
5. you must be careful when you walk____(横过,穿过) the road.
6. jay chou____(扮演) as a racing driver in his movie initial d.
7. most of jackie chens movies are____(动作) movies.
8. linda is an____(活跃的)girl, she plays sports for two hours a day.
9. jim used to be____(害怕的) to speak in class.
10. we will discuss that matter____(在之后) lunch.
11. how much i wish to dance with my father____(再一次).
12. our school was founded ten years____(以前).
13. all of us____(同意) to meet at 8:00 tomorrow morning.
14. opening the lid, they find the man inside____(活着的)!
15. i think teenagers should be____(允许) to choose their own clothes.
16. jack was____(生气的) with me because i broke his mp4.
17. who____(回答) the telephone when i was away?
18. can____(任何人) tell me what to do next?
19. he will be on vacation from____(四月).
20. the train had already left when we____(到达) at the train station.
21. she stayed there till her son fell____(睡着的).
22. the____(婴儿) cannot stand yet, but it has eight teeth.
23. reading in the sun is____(坏的) for your eyes.
24. many people take their own____(篮子) when they go to the market.
25. i think its one of the most beautiful(沙滩) in the world.
26. would you like some____(牛肉) noodles or seafood noodles?
27. he always gets to office____(在以前) anyone else.
28. there is a road____(在后面) our house, and it s very busy.
29. shall i write my answer____(在的下面) or above the line?
30. –who is the girl sitting____(在旁边)jack?31. i want to have a healthy____(身体).
32. none of us can stand his____(无聊的)talk.
3.he____(借) many books to get ready for his article.
34. i was so hungry that i ate up a large____(碗)of rice and some fish.
35. they received many____(箱子) of books yesterday.
36. we all think that the soldiers are the____(勇敢的) people.
37. a new ____(桥)will be built over the river next year.
38. mike likes to write by the nice____(明亮的) light.
39. she____ (带来)her sister to my office yesterday, and we had a nice talk.
40. –do you know the lady with____(棕色的)hair?

41. a fire (烧) all the houses in this village last year.
42. all of us are____(忙的,繁忙的) with the entrance exam.
43. she used up all her money by____(买) so many clothes.
44. i have a new pen pal____(叫做)leon.
45. -have you packed your____(相机)yet? –yes.
46.____(加拿大) is on the north of the usa.
47. eating too many____(糖果) is bad for your teeth.
48. i really____ (担心)about my study, and i always study hard to get better grades.
49. –could you help me____(搬)the box, its too heavy for me.
50. finally we____(赶上) the last train, and we arrived there on time.
51. bicycles do not____(造成) air or sound pollution.
52. follow the sign, and you can reach the city____(中心,中央) .
53. visiting new zealand is the most important____(机会) ) for me.
54. i have____(改变) a lot in the last few years.
55. all of the cars. this one is the____(便宜的,廉价的).
56. when they knew the good news, they all____(欢呼)up.
57 –have you____(检查) up your emails? — not yet.
58. are there any____(教堂) in your city.
59. –when shall we arrive at the____(电影).
60. can you tell me why you____(选择) this major?
61. she only____(打扫) one of the bedrooms in the whole morning.
62. how____(聪明的) the boy is!
63. look! the cat is____(爬) the tree.
64. would you mind my____(关上 ) the doory? its very cold.
65. –whats____(多云的).
66. i visited my grandma yesterday, and she____(烹调,煮) something delicious for me.
67. helen asked me if she could____(抄袭)my homework.
68. i bought a new computer yesterday, and it____(价值,花)4,000rmb.
69. the piggy-bank is used for saving your____(硬币) .
70. the smoke makes him____(咳嗽).71. be careful when you____(穿过) the streets.
72. they are very happy and cant help singing and____(跳舞).
73. something must be done to protect the animals in____(危险).
74. the slippers are used to see in the____(黑暗).
75. –whats june 1st.
76. this kind of equipment is used for helping the ___ (聋的)know what others say。
77. at last they____(决定) ) to donate some money and food to the poor.
78. we are told not to swim in the lake, because its too____(深的).
79. his pet dog ____(死) last night.
80. i improve my writing skill by keeping a____(日记) every day.

81. we are glad to see the river is not so____(脏的) as it was before.
82. do you often help your mom do the___(盘,碟)?
83. –the picture is so nice, who____(画)it? — my father did.
84. if you work hard enough, your____(梦想) will come true one day.
85. the boy is too young to____(穿衣) himself.
86. nowadays, people prefer walking to work to____(驾驶)a car.
87. its you____r(责任) to keep the room clean and tidy.
88. he got up late, so he missed the____(早的)bus.
89. i dons____(容易的) for an 8-year- old boy to finish the job.
90. –what____(其他的) can you tell us?
91. the glass is____(空的)now, please fill it with some water.
92. they____(结束) the party with a beautiful song.
93. i really____(享受) my may day holiday. — so do i.
94. theyve got____(足够的) food and drink for the coming party.
95. every country should____(面对) the history.
96.i____ (失败) my pe test though i ve tried my best.
97. its not____(公平的) for the students to keep changing the timetabl.
98. wenzhou is____(著名的) for its
private economy(民营经济).
99. tom is a farmer and he works on his____(农场) every day.
100. she often____(喂养) her pet cat with milk.
101. are you____(感觉) better today? –yes, much better.
102. the boy has a___(发烧), so he doesn t want to go to school.
103. dont ____(打架)with others, or your teacher will be mad at you.
104. tony did well in the____(最后的)exam, so his parents were very pleased with him.
105. though it was very late, i still____(跟随) him to see where he would go.
106. there are a lot of animals living in the____(森林).
107. do you think everything will be____(免费的)in100 years.
108. there is a supermarket in____(前面) of the park.
109.–would you like some more bread? –no thanks. im____(饱了) enough.
110. i wish i could see my____(将来)now.111. they might ____(甚至)have no warm clothes to wear after the earthquake。
have you____(曾经) ) been to tibet? –no, never.
113. everyone went to the movie____(除了)tom, he was ill.
114. jack____(受伤) himself by accider.
115. the____ (冰)is thick enough to skate on.
116. he thought for a while and then he had a good____(主意).
117. do you know who____(发明) the computer?
118. they will____(邀请) some teachers to their party on sunday.
119. there are more____(岛屿) )in the pacific than those in the atlantic.
120. which do you prefer,____(果汁) or coke?

121. since he has____(刚刚) had lunch, let him have a short break.
122. in some western countries, people are supposed to___(亲吻) when they first meet.
123. look! some children are flying____(风筝) on the playground.
124. listen! someone is____(敲)at the door. who will it be?
125. we usually begin our speech with____(女士们) )and gentlemen.
126. the pilot tried
to____(着陆) the plane without being seen.
127. the population of china is the____(大的) in the world.
128. everyone felt bored because the meeting had____(持续) for hours.
129. i missed the school bus because i got up too____(迟的) ) this morning.
130. its impolite to____(嘲笑) at people in trouble.
131. my science teacher said i was____(懒惰的),that s not true.
132. i just got a____(信) from my pen pal.
133. mr honest says to us he never tells a____(谎话).
134. please dont smoke, spit or____(乱丢杂物) on the bus.
135. mr wang lives alone, but he never feels___(孤独的).
136. i was very____(幸运的) to get it so cheap.
137. lana said she wasnt____(疯狂的) at lisa any more.
138. on the first day we went to the____(有魔力的) castle.
139. at the age of 22, jill____(结婚) a business man of her own choice.
140. my classmate(意思) that he needs some hell.

141. how many____(成员) are there in your club?
142. linda has a good____(记忆), and she always remember words soon.
143. you can find a tower in the____(中心) of the town.
144. be quick, or we may____(错过) the last train home.
145. whats the most exciting____(时刻) in your life?
146. the greens have been in shanghai for a few____(月,月份).
147. in the afternoon. well visit the science____(博物馆).
148. they will let more animals live in____(大自然) again.
149. he doesnt____(需要) any help, he can do it himself.
150. she asked if he could help her the____(下一个)week.
151. hunan province is on the____(北方).
152. i learn english by taking____(笔记) in class, how about you?
153. no one has____(注意) jack enter the room except linda.
154. they have been here for____(超过) two years.
155. my shoes are worn out, i need to buy a new____(一对,一双).
156.–did you enjoy yourself in his____(晚会)? –yes, it was great.
157.we____(经过) )several shops before we came to the factory.
158. she____(支付) forty yuan for these books.
159. well have a____(野餐) if it is sunny this sunday.
160. lee is going to be a____(飞行员) when he grows up.

161. itt go to the great wall with us.
162. we have thought out a____(计划)to improve our living conditions。
163. its rude to____ (指着)at people with your fingers.
164. most teenagers____(更喜欢) wearing their own clothes.
165. the boss sold the machine at a very low____(价格).
166. gao kun won the nobel____(奖项) for physics in 2009.
167. first, i want to tell you how____(自豪的) we are.
168. talking loudly in____(公众) is impolite.
169. the street is always very____(宁静的), but today its very busy.
170. a windy march and a____(下雨的) april make a beautiful may.
171. the main____( 原因)why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure.
172.he____(拒绝)any help politely, and worked on the problem again.
173. they have____(丰富的) experience and practice.
174. what do you think of your school____(规则)?
175. there is plenty of time, we neednt____(冲,奔)176. its not____(安全) to swim alone in the river.
177. dont forget to put some____(盐)ito the soup, will you?
178. to have low carbon life means we should___(节约) all kinds of energy.
179. they____(似乎,像是) to be talkingabout something important.
180. we usually____ (送)a birthday card to him。
181. he writes____(短的)stories for a monthly magazine.
182. the guard asked him to____(出) the invitation card.
183. the doctor gave the____(生病的) boy some medicine.
184. everyone knows____(吸烟) is bad for health.
185.–i hope to see you____(不久). –me, too.
186. we all think you need to____(花费)more time on your schoolwork.
187. its such a boring movie and none of us can____(忍受)it.
188. they would rather____(停留)at home than go sightseeing.
189. my grandmother used to tell me some____(故事) before i fell asleep.
190.–how do you get to school every day? -i____(搭乘) ) the subway.191. do you know what they are____(谈论) about?
192. this kind of pies____(尝起来) delicious, and it sells very well.
193. lucy has shorter hair____ (比)her twin sister, lily。
194. the ice is____(厚的) enough to skate on.
195. i still missed the first bus,____(尽管) i rushed to the bus stop.
196. we are told not to____ (扔)any food to the ms in the zoo.
197. we felt so____(疲惫的) that none of us wanted to walk any further.
198. are there any bookstores in your____(城镇)?
199. the____(火车) is never late, it always leaves on time.
200. his salary is____(在……之下)£300 a week.

201. you never play well____(除非) you practice more.
202. they talked on and on____(直到) )four o clock in the morning.
203. i cant catch what he says, because he says in a low____(声音).
204. im sorry to keep you____(等待) ) for a long time.
205. my brother had eaten his breakfast before i____(醒来)up.
206. many people like spring a lot, because its____(温暖的).
207. its necessary to teach kids not to____(浪费) water.
208. weve got to think out a good____(方法) to explain it.
209. he was still____(虚弱的) )after his long illness.
210. they all got____(湿的) because none of them had an umbrella.
211. we spent the____(整个的) day looking for you.
212. when the ____(风) blows, we hear the sigh of the forest。
213. he boated across a brook on a____(刮风的) morning.
214. here are some flowers with our best____(祝愿).
215. a desk is made of____(木头).
216. they had to work all the____(年)round to pay off the debts。
217. –we are told not to____(触摸) the things on display in the museum.
218. all of my teachers are____(严格的) with us, but they all love us.
219. playing sports can make you____(强壮的) )than before.
220. the old house was collapsed after the____(暴风雨) last night.
221. keeping a____(秘密) is very important in a friendship.
222. the warm-hearted woman is always____(准备) to help others.
223. my uncle____(到达) the bus station twenty minutes earlier.
224. the warm-hearted man always help the____(贫穷的) ) in his block
225. he could play the____(钢琴) ) very well when he was only five.
226. the horse____ (踢)me when i tried to ride it。
227. don t____(匆忙), we are not late.
228. we are having some____(客人) ) for dinner tonight.
229. they put out the____ (火)with the help of other villagers 230. you cant always____(依靠) on your parents, they are old.
