



The Limit of Heat / The Stopping of Heat / Stopping the heat


End of Heat (limit of heat) begins this year on Aug 23 and ends on Sep 8. End of Heat implies that most parts in China are getting rid of the hot summer and entering autumn. But in some areas, especially in South China, autumn is late in coming and people are still bothered by hot weather. End of Heat is also the busy harvest season for farmers.


In China, regions beyond the Great Wall will enter autumn in early September. People can enjoy the scenery as it changes gradually from summer to autumn.



There is a saying that, “People tend to feel sleepy in spring, doze in summer and feel tired in autumn.” As the weather becomes cool during End of Heat,
many people will feel weary, which is called “autumn weariness”. It is a sign that the human body needs rest, since people have used too much energy in the summer. Get enough sleep, do more exercises and keep plants indoor to help.


When the End of Heat comes, summer heat is gone. Clouds in the sky scatter around forming different shapes. There is a saying
that goes, “Enjoying the clouds of various forms in July and August (lunar month).”

在处暑时刻,炽热不见。天空中的云分布成不一样的形状。在7月和8月(阴历月)是赏云的最佳时刻 。


The night-blooming cereus is a flower full of mystery, which often blooms during the period of End of Heat. This is because the climate during End of Heat, characterized by warm days and cold nights, is similar to tropical deserts. Night-blooming cereus originates in the tropical deserts from Mexico to Brazil in South America. They blossom at night to avoid the blazing daytime sun.


Duck has a sweet flavor and according to Chinese traditional medicine it has a “cool” nature. A folk tradition is to eat duck during the End of Heat period. There are many recipes for cooking duck such as roast duck, cooked duck with lemon, smoked duck and sautéed duck with ginger shoots. The tradition of eating duck during the End of Heat period is still popular in China.




二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms

立春 Spring begins. / 雨水 The rains. / 惊蛰 Insects awaken.

春分 Vernal Equinox / 清明 Clear and bright. / 谷雨 Grain rain.

立夏 Summer begins. / 小满 Grain buds. / 芒种 Grain in ear.

夏至 Summer solstice. / 小暑 Slight heat. / 大暑 Great heat.

立秋 Autumn begins. / 处暑 Stopping the heat. /白露 White dews.

秋分 Autumn Equinox. / 寒露 Cold dews. / 霜降 Hoar-frost falls.

立冬 Winter begins. / 小雪 Light snow. / 大雪 Heavy snow.

冬至 Winter Solstice./ 小寒 Slight cold. / 大寒 Great cold.
