
1. Time and time again
这个短语的意思是“一次又一次的”,用来表示某件事情经常反复发生或发生的次数很多。例如:“Time and time again, she tried to quit smoking, but failed every time.”
2. Peace and quiet
这个短语的意思是“宁静和平”,用来描述一个没有任何干扰或噪音的环境。例如:“I love going to the countryside for some peace and quiet.”
3. Sick and tired
这个短语的意思是“受够了”,通常用来表达某件事情已经让人感到非常不耐烦和困扰了。例如:“I’m sick and tired of listening to him complain all the time.”
4. Odds

and ends
这个短语的意思是“杂七杂八的东西”,用来指一些零散、不重要的东西。例如:“I spent the whole day sorting through the odds and ends in my room.”
5. Flesh and blood
这个短语的意思是“亲人”,用来形容自己的家庭成员或身边最亲密的人。例如:“I would do anything for my flesh and blood.”
6. Blood, sweat and tears
这个短语的意思是“辛勤劳动,艰苦奋斗”,用来形容通过非常艰苦的努力才取得的成就。例如:“He put in a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to become a successful businessman.”
7. Safe and sound
这个短语的意思是“安然无恙”,用来描述某个人或物品未受到任何伤害或损失。例如:“I’m happy to report that all the passengers arrived safe and sound.”
8. Short and sweet
这个短语的意思是“简单明了”,通常用来描述一件简短但有意义的事情。例如:“His speech was short and sweet, and

everyone enjoyed it.”
