

1. Excuse me, do you have a map of the city?(对不起,你们这里有城市地图吗?)
2. Could you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?(请问最近的地铁站怎么走?)
3. Where is the nearest airport?(最近的机场在哪里?)
4. Is there a restaurant around here that serves authentic local cuisine?(这附近有能提供正宗的本地食品的餐厅吗?)
5. How much does a taxi to the city center cost?(到市中心坐出租车要多少钱?)


6. Could you recommend a good hotel for me?(你能给我推荐一个好的酒店吗?)
7. How much does a room for one night cost?(一晚住宿多少钱?)
8. Does the hotel provide free breakfast?(酒店提供免费早餐吗?)
9. Is the hotel close to the tourist attractions?(酒店离旅游景点近吗?)
10. Can I book a room in advance?(我能提前预订房间吗?)


11. Is it possible to extend my stay for a few days?(我能延长住宿时间几天吗?)
12. Can I have a wake-up call at 7:00 tomorrow morning?(我能预订明早七点的叫醒服务吗?)
13. Could I have some extra pillows and blankets in my room?(我能在房间里要求多几个枕头和毛毯吗?)
14. Could you please send someone to fix the shower in my room?(请派人修理我房间里的淋浴设施好吗?)
15. Is there a laundry service in the hotel?(酒店提供洗衣服务吗?)


16. Excuse me, what time does the museum open?(对不起,请问博物馆什么时候开门?)
17. Are there any guided tours in this area?(这个地方有导游服务吗?)
18. What is the best time to visit the beach?(什么时候去海滩最好?)
19. Are there any festivals or events happening around here?(这附近有什么节日或活动吗?)
20. Can you recommend a good local tour guide for me?(你能给我推荐一个好的当地导游吗?)


21. Do you have any vegetarian options in your menu?(你们的菜单里有素食选项吗?)
22. Can I have a glass of water, please?(请给我一杯水好吗?)
23. How spicy is this dish?(这道菜有多辣?)
24. Can I have the bill, please?(请结账。)
25. Is service charge included in the bill?(账单中是否已经包含服务费?)


26. Excuse me, where can I buy a souvenir?(请问哪里能买到纪念品?)
27. Can I try this on, please?(我能试穿这件衣服吗?)
28. How much is this product?(这个产品多少钱?)
29. Do you have a bigger size?(你们有大号尺码吗?)
30. Could you please wrap this item as a gift for me?(请把这个物品作为礼物包装好吗?)


31. Where is the nearest restroom?(最近的洗手间在哪里?)
32. Can you take a picture for me, please?(你能替我拍照吗?)
33. Is it safe to walk around here at night?(晚上在这里走路安全吗?)
34. What is the emergency number in this area?(这个地方的紧急求助电话是多少?)
35. Can you suggest some good places to visit around here?(你能给我推荐一些好玩的地方吗?)


36. How do I get to the tourist attraction from here?(如何从这里前往旅游景点?)
37. Could you please provide me with a city map?(请给我提供一个城市地图好吗?)
38. How far is it from here to the downtown area?(离市中心有多远?)
39. What is the best transport to take?(最好的交通方式是什么?)
40. Can you help me find a taxi?(你能帮我找一辆出租车吗?)


41. Could you tell me how long does it take to get to the airport from here?(你能告诉我从这里去机场需要多长时间吗?)
42. Do I need to change buses to get to the train station?(去火车站需要换乘公交车吗?)
43. How long is the bus ride to downtown?(公交车行程到市中心需要多久?)
44. Where is the bus stop?(公交车停车站在哪里?)
45. Excuse me, how much is the train ticket to the next city?(请问去下一个城市的火车票多少?


46. Thank you for your help.(感谢你的帮助。)
47. Excuse me, can you help me?(对不起,请问你能帮助我吗?)
48. Could you please recommend a good restaurant for me?(能给我推荐一个好的餐厅吗?)
49. Sorry to bother you, but could you take a picture for me with my camera?(打

50. Have a nice day!(祝你今天愉快!)


51. May I speak to the manager, please?(请问能和经理联系吗?)
52. I’m sorry, I lost my wallet.(对不起,我的钱包丢了。)
53. Could you please call the police for me?(请你帮我叫警察好吗?)
54. I’m allergic to nuts.(我对坚果过敏。)
55. Could you please turn down the music?(请你把音乐开小一点好吗?)


56. Excuse me, I have a reservation.(对不起,我有预约。)
57. Can I have a window seat, please?(我能要一个靠窗的位置吗?)
58. Could I have a blanket and a pillow, please?(请给我一件毛毯和一个枕头好吗?)
59. Is there any available seat in the front row?(前排有可用的座位吗?)
60. Can I have another plate of this dish, please?(我还能要一盘这道菜吗?)


61. Can I use your Wi-Fi?(我能使用你们的Wi-Fi吗?)
62. Could you please change my room?(能更换一下我的房间吗?)
63. May I borrow a charger?(我能借一个充电器吗?)
64. Could you please call me a

65. May I pay with a credit card?(我能用信用卡结账吗?)


66. Sorry, I don’t understand. Could you please speak slower?(对不起,我听不懂。你能慢一点说吗?)
67. Could you please write it down for me?(你能帮我写一下吗?)
68. Can you repeat that, please?(你能重复一遍吗?)
69. I’m sorry, I don’t speak English very well.(对不起,我的英语不太好。)
70. Excuse me, could you explain that to me in simpler words?(对不起,请你用简单一点的话来解释吗?)


71. How many people are in your party?(你们一共多少人?)
72. Can I have a seat by the window, please?(我能要一个靠窗的位置吗?)
73. I would like to make a reservation for tomorrow night.(我想预订明天晚上的房间。)
74. What time is check-in and check-out?(入住和退房时间是什么时候?)
75. May I have 2 single beds instead of 1 big bed?(我能要两张单人床代替一张大床吗?)


76. Could you please call me a taxi to the airport?(请你帮我叫一辆去机场的出租车好吗?)
77. How often do the buses come?(公交车多久一班?)
78. What is the best way to get around the city?(旅游城市最好的交通方式是什么?)
79. Can you recommend a good tourist agency for me?(你能给我推荐一个好的旅行社吗?)
80. Could you please give me a ride to the nearest subway station?(你能载我去最近的地铁站吗?)


81. Do I need a visa to travel to your country?(我需要签证才能去你们的国家旅游吗?)
82. What is the best time to visit your country?(什么时候去你们的国家旅游最好?)
83. Is your country safe for tourists?(去你们国家旅行安全吗?)
84. Are there any famous landmarks around here?(这附近有什么著名的地标吗?)
85. What are some famous local dishes in your country?(你们的国家有什么著名的本地菜肴吗?)


86. Can I have a glass of water, please?(请给我一杯水好吗?)
87. I’m sorry, I don’t speak your language.(对不起,我不懂你说的语言。)
88. I would like to order the steak, medium rare.(我点一份牛排,要中熟的。)
89. Could you recommend a good wine to pair with this meal?(你能给我推荐一款搭配这餐的好酒吗?)
90. This is delicious!(这太好吃了!)


91. Could you please change my flight to an earlier time?(能提前一些把我的机票改一下吗?)
92. I missed my flight. What should I do?(我错过了我的飞机,应该怎么办?)
93. Could you please extend my visa?(能把我的签证延期吗?)
94. I lost my passport. What should I do?(我的护照丢了,该如何处理?)
95. I would like to cancel my reservation.(我想取消我的预订。)


96. Can you recommend a good local bar?(你能给我推荐一个好的当地酒吧吗?)
97. Where can I find a good coffee shop around here?(这附近有哪些好的咖啡店?)
98. Could you suggest a good place to have breakfast?(你能推荐一个好的早餐店吗?)
99. Could you please recommend a good nightclub?(你能给我推荐一个好的夜店吗?)
100. Is there any good local dessert that I can try?(有没有好吃的当地甜点可以推荐的?)


