



1. Can you explain it in more detail? 请你能详细解释一下吗?
2. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. 对不起,我没听清楚。
3. Could you repeat that, please? 你可以再重复一遍吗?
4. Can you speak a bit slower, please? 请你说慢一点好吗?
5. I’m not sure about the pronunciation of this word. 这个单词的发音我不太确定。
6. How do you pronounce this word? 这个单词应该怎么发音?
7. Could you give me an example, please? 你可以举个例子吗?
8. I don’t understand the meaning of this sentence. 我不明白这句话的意思。
9. Can you explain it in a different way? 你可以用另一种方式来解释一下吗?
10. I’m not familiar with this idiom. 这个习语我不太熟悉。
11. Could you explain the grammar rule again? 你可以再解释一下这个语法规则吗?
12. What does this abbreviation stand for? 这个缩写代表什么?
13. I’m having trouble with the pronunciation of this word. 我在这个单词的发音上有些困难。
14. Could you recommend some resources for learning English? 你可以推荐一些学习英语的资源吗?
15. I’m having difficulty understanding the reading passage. 我对这篇阅读理解有困难。
16. Can you give me some tips on improving my writing skills? 你可以给我一些提高写作技巧的建议吗?
17. I’m n
ot confident in my speaking ability. 我对自己的口语能力不自信。
18. What are some effective ways to expand my vocabulary? 扩大我的词汇量有什么有效的方法?
19. Could you correct my pronunciation, please? 你可以帮我纠正一下发音吗?
20. I want to improve my listening skills. 我想提高我的听力技巧。
21. How can I sound more natural when speaking English? 当我说英语时,我怎样才能更自然地发音?
22. What are some common mistakes that English learners make? 英语学习者常犯哪些错误?
23. Can you recommend any English-language movies or TV shows? 你可以推荐一些英语电影或电视节目吗?
24. I’m having difficulty understanding colloquial English. 我对口语英语不太理解。
25. Could you explain the meaning of this slang word? 你可以解释一下这个俚语的意思吗?
26. How can I improve my English fluency? 我怎样才能提高我的英语流利度?
27. Do you have any suggestions for practicing English conversation? 你有什么关于练习英语口语的建议吗?
28. Could you recommend some English-language websites or apps? 你可以推荐一些英语网站或应用吗?
29. I’m struggling with understanding spoken English. 我在理解口语英语上有些困难。
30. Can you recommend any English-language podcasts or audiobooks? 你可以推荐一些英语播客或有声读物吗?

