


1. Welcome to our airport. 欢迎来到我们的机场。
2. Can I see your passport please? 请出示您的护照。
3. Where are you flying to today? 今天您要飞往哪里?
4. Do you have any checked baggage? 你有托运行李吗?
5. How many bags are you checking in? 您要托运几件行李?
6. Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat? 您喜欢靠走道的座位还是窗户旁边的座位?
7. Is the flight on time? 航班准时吗?
8. Can I have the boarding pass, ple
ase? 可以给我登机牌吗?
9. Where is the boarding gate for this flight? 这个航班的登机口在哪里?
10. Can I have a window seat, please? 请给我一个靠窗的座位。
11. Can I have a blanket and pillow? 能给我一床毯子和枕头吗?
12. Do you serve meals on the flight? 飞机上提供餐食吗?
13. Can I have a vegetarian meal? 我可以要一份素食吗?
14. Can I have a glass of water, please? 可以给我一杯水吗?
15. Where is the nearest restroom? 最近的洗手间在哪里?
16. Can I have a refund on my ticket? 我可以退票吗?
17. Can I change my flight? 我可以改签吗?
18. Is there a Wi-Fi service on the plane? 飞机上有无线网络吗?
19. How long is the layover? 转机时间有多久?
20. Is there a lounge for first-class passengers? 有专门为头等舱乘客准备的休息室吗?
21. Can I bring my pet on the plane? 我可以携带宠物上飞机吗?
22. Can I have an extra seat for my baby? 可以为我的宝宝预订一个额外的座位吗?
23. Can I have a wheelchair for my elderly parent? 可以为我的年迈父母预订一辆轮椅吗?
24. Can I have a gate pass for my visitor? 可以给我来机场接人的访客一张登机牌吗?
25. Is there any duty-free shop in the airport? 机场有免税店吗?
26. Can I have a tax refund for my purchase? 我的购物可以退税吗?
27. How can I get to the city from the airport? 从机场怎么去市区?
28. Is there a shuttle bus service to the hotels? 有往返酒店的班车服务吗?
29. Can I rent a car at the airport? 我可以在机场租车吗?
30. Can I store my luggage at the airport? 我可以在机场寄存行李吗?
31. Can I have a map of the airport? 可以给我一张机场地图吗?
32. Where can I find a taxi? 我在哪里可以找到出租车?
33. Can I have a translator? 可以给我一位翻译吗?
34. Can I have a phone charger? 可以给我一个手机充电器吗?
35. Can I have an extra blanket? 可以给我一床额外的毯子吗?
36. Can I have a different meal? 我可以要一个不同的餐食吗?
37. Can I have a warm meal? 可以给我一个热的餐食吗?
38. Can I have a vegetarian sandwich? 可以给我一份素食三明治吗?
39. Can I have a cup of coffee? 可以给我一杯咖啡吗?
40. Can I have the Wi-Fi password? 可以给我无线网络的密码吗?
41. Can I have the flight status? 可以给我航班的状态吗?
42. Can I have the gate information? 可以给我登机口的信息吗?
43. Can I have the baggage claim area information? 可以给我行李认领区的信息吗?
44. Can I have the nearest hotel information? 可以给我最近的酒店信息吗?
45. Can I have a receipt for my ticket? 可以给我一份机票发票吗?
46. Can I have a business lounge access? 可以给我一个商务休息室的通行证吗?
47. Is there a smoking area in the airport? 机场有吸烟区吗?
48. Can I have a seat with extra legroom? 可以给我一个额外腿部空间的座位吗?
49. Can I have a seat in the front of the plane? 可以给我一个飞机前面的座位吗?
50. Can I have a seat in the emergency exit row? 可以给我一个紧急出口座位吗?

