




1.Yes, I can

Little bird, little bird, can you clap?小鸟,小鸟,你会拍手吗?

No, I can't. No, I can't. I can't clap. 不,我不会。不,我不会。我不会拍手。

Elephant, elephant, can you fly?大象,大象,你会飞吗?

No, I can't. No, I can't. I can't fly.不,我不会。不,我不会。我不会飞。

Gorilla, gorilla, can you swim? 大猩猩,大猩猩,你会游泳吗?

No, I can't. No, I can't. I can't swim. 不,我不会。不,我不会。我不会游泳。

Buffalo, buffalo, can you climb? 水牛,水牛,你会爬吗?

No, I can't. No, I can't. I can't climb. 不,我不会。不,我不会。我不会爬。

Boy and girls, boys and girls,can you sing?孩子们,你们会唱歌吗?

Yes, we can. Yes, we can.We can sing. 是的,我们会。是的,我们会。

2.panda  熊猫

Who took the cookies from the cookie jar?谁从饼干罐里拿走了饼干?

Panda took the cookies from the cookie jar?熊猫从饼干罐里拿走了饼干。

Who me?我?

Yes, you!是的,就是你!

Not me!不是我!

Then who?那是谁?

3.Rabbit  兔子

Who took the cookies from the cookie jar?谁从饼干罐里拿走了饼干?

Rabbit took the cookies from the cookie jar.兔子从饼干罐里拿走了饼干。

Who me?我?

Yes, you!是的,就是你!

Not me!不是我!

Then who?那是谁?

4.The Animal Sounds Song动物声音歌(这首动物儿歌主要是学习动物叫声的)

The dog goes woof woof woof woof 狗是呜呜呜呜

The cow goes moo moo moo moo牛是哞哞哞哞

The duck goes quack quack quack quack 鸭是呱呱呱呱

And the owl says to whit to whoooo猫头鹰一点点嘟嘟叫 

The cat goes meow meow meow meow猫是喵喵喵喵喵叫 

The pig goes oink oink oink oink猪就呼噜呼噜呼噜呼噜 

And the little mouse says squeak squeak squeak小老鼠吱吱叫吱吱叫

(Squeak squeak squeak) 

These are the sounds that animals make这些是动物发出的声音 

These are the sounds that animals make这些是动物发出的声音


The horse goes neigh neigh neigh马嘶嘶叫 

The sheep goes baa baa baa baa羊咩咩咩咩叫

The rabbit goex thump thump thump兔子扑通扑通扑通

The snake goee hiss hiss hiss蛇是咝咝咝 

The chicken goes cluck cluck cluck cluck鸡是咯咯咯咯

The frog goes ribbit ribbit ribbit青蛙呱呱呱 

The bees say buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz 蜜蜂嗡嗡嗡嗡

These are the sounds that animals make 这些是动物发出的声音 

The donkey goes haw hee haw hee haw 毛驴嘿吼叫

The bear growls grrr grrr 狗熊咆哮着

The lion roars raaaar狮子怒吼 

These are the sounds that animals make这些就是动物们发出的声音 








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