


276.Have you been here long?你来了很久吗?

277.What time shall you meet?你们什么时间碰面?

278.I'm running a little late.我有事耽搁了一下。

279.Have you been here waiting long?你等了很久吗?

280.Have you any plans for tomorrow?你明天有安排吗?

281.How about Tuesday at 11 am?下周二早上11点见怎么样?

282.Will you be available this afternoon?您今天下午在吗?

283.How about a lunch meeting?要不我们边吃午餐边谈怎么样?

284.I wonder if you could change the time.我想知道能不能改时间。

285.May I have an appointment with you?我能和您约个时间见面吗?

286.That works for me. Should we meet in my office?在我办公室见吗?

287.Let’s arrange a meeting for next week.我们下周安排个时间会面吧。

288.Could you squeeze me in sometime tomorrow?明天你能挤点时间给我吗?

289.I’m afraid I have to cancel our appointment.恐怕我要取消我们的约会了。

290.Could we make it at 2 p.m on Friday afternoon?我们能安排在周五下午2点吗?

291.We can negotiate our business contract then.那我们就可以协商关于合同的事了。

292.Could you arrange a meeting with your boss?您能给我安排个时间和您老板见面吗?

293.I would like to make an appointment with your manager.我想与你们经理约个时间会面。

294.Even better! Let’s meet at the restaurant across the street.这样更好!那我们就在街对面的那家餐馆见吧。

295.I wonder if it would be convenient for you to meet us this afternoon?我想知道今天下午有空跟我们见面吗?

296.Boss got really drunk.老板喝得很醉。

297.She was not happy to see that.她对此很不高兴。

298.I didn’t see you in the party.昨晚我没在派对上看到你。

299.I heard about our new client.我听说我们那个新客户的事了。

300.Something crazy happened in the party.昨晚在派对上发生了疯狂的事情。

301.People are not working during the Middle-autumn Festival.大家中秋节都放假了。

302.Did you be invited to go to the cocktail party?你被邀请昨晚去参加鸡尾酒会了吗?

303.Let's hold a party to celebrate the success of the project.我们办个派对庆祝项目成功吧。

304.Sarah's party piece is singing whilst standing on her hands.Sarah的派对绝活儿是倒立唱歌。

305.Office Christmas parties usually take place in early mid December.公司圣诞派对一般都在12月中上旬。

306.Boss really partied hard last night.He was drinking until 4am!老板昨晚玩得特别高兴,他一直喝到了凌晨4点!

307.I know we aren't invited but it looks like it will be great fun!我知道我们没有受到邀请,但是好像这个派对挺有意思。

308.The cocktail party is tomorrow at 9pm.Could you bring some wine and cheese?明天晚上9点办酒会,你能带红酒和奶酪吗?

309.Make sure that Sam comes to our party – she is the life of the party.一定要让Sam出席派对 – 她绝对是派对不可缺少的核心人物。

310.We're having a small get together after work tomorrow. Please come if you have time!我们下班要开个小聚会。如果你有时间的话请来加入!




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