



201.We have to cut spending. 我们必须削减开支。

202.Nokia has cut cost expenses.诺基亚削减了开支。

203.Obviously,bonuses are cancelled.很明显,奖金被取消了。

204.The first priority is to cut costs.当务之急是降低成本。

205.Restructuring plan aimed to cut costs.重组计划旨在削减开支。 

206.We have a lot of big cuts to make.我们有很多地方需要削减开支。

207.I think we should reduce the perks. 我认为我们应该减少额外津贴。

208.Most companies outsourced to cut cost.大多数公司外包是为了降低成本。

209.My company plans to cut costs to cover the losses.公司打算削减开支填补亏损。

210.We plans to sell factories in effort to cut costs.我们打算卖掉工厂削减开支。

211.They will never support cuts on the scale.他们永远不会支持那种规模的开支缩减。

212.Cutting budgets by a further 15% would be painful.进一步削减预算的百分之十五是痛苦的。

213.Plenty of employees worry about cuts to the department.许多员工也担心部门的开支削减。

214.I don’t think cutting perks will save us much money.我不觉得减少额外津贴能节省多少钱。

215.We need to cut costs because our business is losing money.公司赔钱了,所以我们需要削减开支。

216.Making some staff reductions will make the remaining staff unhappy. 裁员会导致留下的人不高兴。

217.To cut costs,the company plans to sell their own magazines.为削减开支,公司计划出售旗下的杂志。

218.The reaction of companies is to pull back and focus on cutting costs.公司的对策是收回成本,削减开支。

219.I think the best way to cut costs is to make some staff reductions.我认为削减开支的最好的办法就是裁员。

220.We have to balance good labor relations against the need to cut costs.我们要在搞好劳资关系与削减开支之间保持平衡。


221.I could use some rest.我真想歇会。

222.The holiday is so short.假期好短啊。

223.I have a week’s holiday.我有一周假。

224.Did Anna have her baby?Anna生小孩了吗?

225.I'm taking a few days off.我要请假几天。

226.How long will she be gone?她要休多久呀?

227.Is it paid maternity leave?那是带薪休假吗?

228.Yes. She’s on maternity leave now.是,她在休产假。

229.Women are entitled to maternity leave.妇女有权享有产假。

230.Can I ask for a day off on Thursday?周四我能请假一天吗?

231.We could all use some downtime.每个人都需要有放松的时间。

232.I'm looking forward to my long vacation.我期待我的小长假。

233.He's taken unpaid leave for a month.他休了一个月的停薪假。

234.I would like to ask for two hours' leave.我想请两小时的假。

235.I didn’t see the notice on the board.我没看见布告栏上的通知。

236.Did he ask for sick leave or business leave? 他请了事假还是病假?

237.Katherine wants to take an extra month of maternity leave.她想多休一个月的产假。

238.You said you had months and months of vacation time available.你说过你有好几个月的假期。

239.We may take the whole week off to prepare for our event.我们可以请整个星期的假来准备我们的活动。

240.I have to take this afternoon off because I need to go to hospital now.我下午不得不请假,因为我现在要去医院。




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