
一、??????? 英语
1 narrowly? 刚好地? 严密地 仔细地 狭窄地
2 terrible 可怕的
?fear 害怕
3 murder 谋杀v/n
4 still 静止的 寂静的 沉静安静n/adj
5 among 在…之中
6 general 全体的 普遍的
?total 全部的,总数
?complete? 完全的
?completely 完全地
7 invent 发明
intend想要 打算 计划
invite 邀请?
8 freezing令人冷的
? frozen 感到(物理的)冷的
9 furnish 房子
10 live in居住在
11 except期待
?? accept接受
?? respect 尊重,尊敬
12 objection 反对
? observation观察
?? stare 盯
13 publisher 出版社
14 several 各自的
15 hill 小山
16 catch追赶caught
17 splendid 壮丽的 宏伟的
18 towards朝向
19 say(书信)
? write(写)
? tell(告诉)
? speak(演讲)
20 servant 仆人
21 encouragement 鼓励
? courage 鼓励
? discourage 打消
22 attend 出席(重点)
? pretend 假装
? prevent 防止
23 delay延迟
24 appointment预约
25 fail 失败
26 lecture 讲座
27 chiefly 主要的
?? mainly
28 proposal? 提议
29 famous 出名的
30 accent 口音,强调
31 patient 有耐心的,病人
?? paint 油漆涂料
32 certain 有把握的,可靠的。某些,某几个。
33 exist 存在
34 carry it out 执行
35 orphan 孤儿
36 apology 道歉
37 lest 以免
38 manage管理
39 obvious 显而易见的
40 dare 敢于,挑战
41 operation 实施,运作
42 improve 提高,改善
43 imagine 想象
44 evidence 证据
45 specific 具体的
46 recognize 辨认出
47 describe 描述
1 argument 争吵,争论
2 sneer 嘲笑
3 firm 坚固的,结实的,使坚固,使结实
4 supporters 拥护者,支持者
?support 支持,支撑
5 wise 明智的
6 eventually 最后,最终
? finally 终于,最后
7 experiment 实验
8 finance金融
financial 经济的
financial crisis 金融危机
9 professor 教授
expert 专家
scholar 学者
mayor 市长
scholarship 学术研究
10 eloquent 口才
11 sympathy 同情
12 criticism 批评
13 departed 离开
14 carriage 车厢
15 already 已经
16 country 乡村
17 machine 机器
18 further studies abroad 出国深造(重点)
19 solar energy 太阳能
20 project 工程,项目,物体
21 mass 体积
22 retired 退休
23 assignment 作业
24 absolute 绝对的
25 silence 沉默的
26 modern 现代的
27 distance 距离。使远离
28 remote 遥远的,控制器
29 eloquent 口才的,雄辩的
30 enthusiasm 狂热
? enthusiastic 热情的
31 promise 允许,承诺
32 position 位置,安放,放置
33 environment 生态环境,环境
environmental? 自然环境的
34 adequate 充足的,足够的
35 heat 热量
36 explain 解释
37 strict 严格

38 request 要求
39 discover 发现
40 term 术语,名称,把…称为…..
41 desirable 理想的
42 effort 努力
43 reduce 减少
? decline 减少
44 expenditure 花销
45 serious 认真的 严肃的(高频)
46 plant 植物
47 discuss 讨论
1 hurried 仓促的,匆忙的。
2 incompetent 不熟练的
3 drop 掉落
4 generally 总的来说
5 receive 收到,接收
6 certain 正确的,肯定的
?curtain 窗帘
7 inexperienced? 缺乏经验的
8 situation 处境,情况,状况
?circumstance 情况
9 theatre 戏院,剧场,手术室,战区,场所。
10 comrade 同志
11 insight 见解
12 interpreter 翻译家
13 labor? 劳工,劳动
14 underprivileged 贫困的人
15 risky 冒险的,有风险的
16 absorb 全神贯注于
17 audience 观众
18 interrupt 打断,终止
19 farmer 农场主
? crop 庄稼
? field 田野
20 campus 大学生活
21 attractive 有吸引力的
22 convenient 方便的
? convenience 方便
23 influence 影响
? influential 有影响力的
? affect? 影响
24 hotel 旅馆
25 church 教堂
26 dare 敢于,挑战(情态动词)
27 institute 协会,机构。实行,设立,建立。
museum 博物馆
29 prefer 更可爱,偏爱
30 carry 搬运,运送
31 original work 原创工作
32 consult 请教,求教
33 marvelous 精彩的
34 excellent 优秀的,杰出的
35 below 低于
?? above 高于
36 competition 竞赛,竞争。
37 fit 适合
1 amount? 数量,总计
2 short 少的
?shortage 短缺
3 able 可能
?enable 使能够
?disable 使失效, 防止做某事
4 detect 发现,识别,查明
5 disease 疾病,弊端
6 confidence 自信
?confident 自信的
7 treat 治疗,处理,请客,对待
8 honor 荣幸
9 settle 解决
10 manner 方式,方法
11 rob 抢劫
? robbed
12 accustomed 习惯
? custom 风俗,习惯,(custom 海关)
13 perform 执行,完成,履行
? performance 表演
14 technological 技术的,工艺的
? technology 技术
15 advance? 前进
16 committee 委员会
17 member 成员,会员
18 investigate 调查
? investigation 调查,审查
? invest 投资
19 fly 飞
? flight 航班
20 protect 保护
21 spoiled 被宠坏
22 proper 真正的,满意地,正确地
? properly 正确地
23 guess 猜
24 react 反应
? reaction 反应,反抗,反作用
25 exceed 超过
? exceeding 非常的,极度的,非常地,极度地
26 request 要求,请求
27 present 出席
? presence 出席
28 immediate 立即的 明显的
29 advantage 优势
? disadvantage 劣势
30 persuade 说服,劝服
31 indecision 犹豫
? indecisive 犹豫的
32 interfere 干扰
? interference 干扰
33 exhausted 累的
? tired 累的
34 consider 考虑
? considerably 极大地
35 refreshed 使恢复,恢复精神的
36 impress 尊敬
37 according 据….所说
? accordingly 相应地
38 intention 故意,计划
? intentionally 故意地
39 rare 稀少的
40 appreciate 重视
41 investment 投资
42 extreme 极大的
? extremely 非常,尤其
43 personality 个性,人格,品质,性格
person 人
44 quite 完全地
45 differ 意见不同
differently 不同地
difference 不同,区别
46 submit 提交
47 approve 批准,认可
approval 批准n
48 caution 小心
cautious 小心的
cautiously 小心地
49 task 任务
50 capable? 有能力的
incapable? 没有能力的
51 polite 有礼貌的
impolite 没礼貌的
52 apply 申请
applicable 相关的,适用的
application 申请表
53 appear 出现
appearance 外貌
54 expect 预料
unexpectedly? 意外的
55 display 展览,表演
displayed 显示的,张开的
56 embarrassed 尴尬
57 refuse 拒绝,垃圾
refusal 拒绝n
58 memory 记忆力
59 remark 评论
60 responsible 对….有责任的
responsibility 责任
61 cooperate 合作
cooperation 合作
cooperative 合作
62 delicate细微
63 parts邮件
64 observe 观察,庆祝,遵守
65 desire 渴望
66 operate 操作
67 wore 穿着
68 economy经济
economic 经济的,经济学的
69 relate相关的
1 formed 形状,形成
2 possess 拥有
3 characteristics 特征
4 distinct 不一样
5 approaches 接近,靠近,方法
6 debate 讨论
7 proponents 支持者
8 theory 学说,原理
9 controversy 争论
10 nature 先天
? nurture 后天
11 conflict 冲突,意见不一致
12 pattern 设计,花样
13 determine 造成,起决定性作用,决定
14 biological 生物学的
15 genetic factors 基因要素
16 central 中心的
17 maintain 维持,认为
18 exhibition 展览
? exhibit 展现
19 be referred to 被叫做
20 predetermined 预先决定
21 almost 几乎,差不多
22 govern 控制
23 instinct 天性,天生本能
24 claim 声称,强调
25 mechanistic 机械化
? machine? 机器
26 stimuli 刺激
? stimulate (v)刺激
27 neither of 两者都不
28 be likely to
? is likely that? 可能…..
29 lie 躺,位于,在于,处于某种状态
30 fear 害怕
? fray 冲突,斗争,争吵
31 eliminate 消除
32 peculiar 特有的
33 century 世纪
34 industrialization 工业
? industries 产业,行业
? industry 工业
35 microelectronics 微电子学
36 positive 积极的
37 giving rise to 引起
38 entirely 全部地
39 rely on 依靠
40 threat 威胁
41 innovation 创新
42 remain 留下
43 create 创造
44 illustrate 给予
45 introduce (首次)推行,采用,采取
? introduction 推行
46 research 研究
47 predict 预测
48 obtain 得到
49 resource 资源
50 source 来源
51 tend to 倾向
52 stable 稳定的
? stability 稳定
53 probably 可能地
54 assumptions 假设
55 hasten 忙
56 postpone 推迟
57 survey 调查
58 mention 提到
59 carry out 开展
60 conducted 开展
61 yielded 产生
62 condition 条件
63 favorable 有利于
64 appear 看起来
? appearance 外貌
65 reasonable 合理
66 policy 政策
67 maintain 维持
1 quiet 安静
2 spacious宽敞的
3 absent? 缺席
1 escape? doing 逃离做。。
2 look forward to doing 期待做。。
? except sb to do 期望做
3 go on to do 停下来去做另一件事。。
?go on doing 停下正在做的事
?get down to 认真做
4 following=after
5 with doing 主动
? with done
6 still on (灯)仍然亮着
7 how about doing=what about doing
8 consider to do考虑(认为)做。。
? consider to have done已经。。。
? consider doing 考虑做(正在的事)
9 find sb doing
? find sb done
10 swimming(经常性)和to swim(偶尔性)
11 it is no good doing
? it is no use doing
? it is useless doing
? it is no point doing
12 have trouble doing
?? have objection doing
?? have terrible doing
13 regret to do遗憾要做
? regret doing 后悔做
14 having done已经完成(主动)
? have sth done
? have been done (有先后)
have been doing 一直做…
例子:the plan having been made,
had done(过去的过去)
to have done (过去的事)
15 keep in mind 记住
16 caught sb doing抓现行
17 all that much 不止那么多
18 be known for被了解
19 he is often to do经常做
20 ask sb to do
? want sb to do
? be allow sb to do
21 permit doing
22 pretend sb to do
?? prevent sth from doing防止做某事
23 written in pencil
24 make out 声称强调,听出辩认出
25 make myself(me)done
?? find myself done
26 my key having been lost,。。。
27 i intended to have gone abroad that year,(过去的想法)
28 have no choice but to do
29 why not do=why don’t you do
30 them joking
31 can’t help but do
? =can’t help doing sth情不止禁做,禁不住做
? can do nothing but do 无能为力只能做
32 would like to想要做
33 i am sorry to hear that
? i am to have said that,but i really did not mean it.
? 说者无心,听者有意。
34 chiefly to do
35 all things considered,
36 there is no doubt that毫无疑问
37 when it is done
38 what have i done (to make) you so angry?填空。
?? to do 表目的,形容词后表原因,出乎意料的结果。
39 while(对比)然而
40 the moment。。。(一….就。。。。)
? the second。。。
? the instant。。。
? as soon as。。。
41 as we all know=as is known to all
42 be superior to 比。。。高级
? be inferior to 比。。。低级
43 in spite of +名词?? ( 尽管 )
?? despite+句子
例子:despite the fact that….
???? even though+句子
44 none of your business与你无关
45 not only …..but(倒装)
46 busy as he was =although he was busy
47 it is the first time that sb have done
?????????????????????? had done
48 in the field of 在。。。领域
49 for fear that 对。。。担心
? be worried about
50 in case 万一
?? as long as 只要
?? as far as 就…而言
51 urges that he(should)do力劝
52 be aware of 意识到
53 unless=if not 除非
54 pay a fine 交罚金
55 come up? 出现
58 result in=lead to
59 have a good time
60 whichever you choose,i am enjoy it.
1 so… that 倒装
2 think of the large population of china,
3 after that 在….之后
now that 既然
unless that 除非
not… until 直到….才
4 give them an inch,so they will ask for a mile.
5 for the reason of+名词
for the reason that+句子=because+句子
6 the reason for….is that…..
the reason why….is that…..
7 hardly/scarcely…when几乎不
no sooner ……than…(倒装)
例子:hardly had he begun,…..when(倒装)
????? scarcely had he begun,…..when
8 as is often the case
clever as he is (倒装)
9 such as 正如好像
10 what has made china (as) she is today?填空
11how long does it take
how long has she had it?
12 didn’t have to do千万别
=must not do
13 thought it over 认真思考完
例子:i can’t give you an answer before i have thought it over carefully.
14 by the end of
15 many a student = many students
16 in front of
in the front of
17 what do you suppose has happened?
18 only to do 结果却
19 break into 闯入
20 would rather he did 宁愿做
?would sooner he did
21 to speed it up or slow it down 加速或减速
22 travel on business 出差
23 has been taken down 被拿下
24 substance made up of two or more elements (is)a compound.(填空)
25 no longer=no more =not….any more
26 for example=for instance
27 settle down 定居
28 heard from 收到消息
29 the oranges taste nice.
30 i am not satisfied
31 i suggest that he should try again.
i suggest him trying again.
32 wish希望 /as if就好像/if only/but for(虚拟语气)正常时态退一个。
33 主情现完条过完。(虚拟语气)
34 without 对现在的虚拟would do
if it were not for=but for=if it had not been for.
35 had you listen to the doctor,you( would be )all that now.填空
36 if the sun were to rise in the west,my love would be unchanged forever.
37 instead of 代替
38 even if 即使
although 尽管
if 如果
as if 就好像
39 lest sb should do 以免…做
40 should have done 本应该做
needn’t have done 本不必做
must have done 对过去的肯定
41 tell you the truth,will you?
1 caught a cold 感冒
2 be fond of 喜欢
3 nor am i
? so do i
so have i
me too
? neither am i
4 look,here comes the bus.
5 step in 进入
6 there be
?there existed
7强调句 it is not until dark that
??????? not until
??????? not only does ….but also…..
8 the business is risky,but should we succeed we would be rich.
9 more than 超过,多于
10 a big sum 一大笔(钱)
11 反问句 前否后肯,前肯后否。
12 one of the biggest
13 prefer doing to doing 比起….更喜欢…..
14 regard as 看作
15 a great deal of time
16 as many as twice= two times
17 why not do =why don’t you do
18 do harm to 破坏
19 his explanation made the problem even more complicated.
20 usual standard 平时标准
21 of course 当然(重点)
22 be worth doing
23 besides 另外
? meanwhile 同时
? however 然而
? anyhow
24 sent for 派人去请
25 i wonder 想知道
26 arrange for sb to do 安排做某事
27 there happened to be 恰巧有
28 i hope so = i don’t think so
i hope not = i hope that
29 it was at school which was named after a hero that he spent his childhood.
1 it is thoughtful(体贴的)and kind of you
2 much better than doing
3 run out of 用光,用尽
4 be sure of himself
be sure to do
5 with age 随着时间
6 yesterday afternoon (用过去进行时态)
7 hand in 上交
8 in honor of 为了纪念…
9 would forgive never me
10 complete doing = finish doing 完成做…
11 i wish i had had your opportunities when i was young.
12 a detective story 一个侦探的故事
13 up to now到目前为止
14 take on 承担
15 summer coming,the birds begin to sing.
16 turn to me for help 向….寻求帮助
17 take pains to promote? 费力提升
18 counting on 指望
19 pour out 蜂拥而至
1 when anna look at the house,she? admired(赞美)? the way it was painted(被粉刷).
2 what do you understand about the condition(状态) of the house???
原文it was in what a house agent would call a popular rather than a fashionable area.
答案it was in a rather popular area.
3 they knew what the sitting-room was like because they examined it in detail from outside.
原文 they could see in though one of the sitting-room windows from which a net curtain fallen at one side.
4 anna did not the house because it was not her idea of a family home.
原文little cages, anna said .she didn’t like the place at all.
5 what does the passage tell us about guest houses?
people do not use them as much as they did.
1 what can be used as a material to pave roads?
原文 as coal is being used in greater and greater amounts to produce electricity,larger amounts of ash, by-product of coal,are produce.
答案 the coal by-product
2 what is a by-product of burned coal?
原文when coal is burned in a boiler ,two kinds of ash by-product are produced:a heavy bottom ash and a fine-as-powder fly ash that is filtered and captured by precipitators.
答案 fly ash
1.?? fly ash can partly take the place of cement.
原文 fly ash replace up to 20 percent of the cement used in concrete.
4 according to the passage,what? attracts man is greater attention?
答案fly ash
5 what can be extracted from fine-powder fly ash?
原文the technology is available to extract the main mineral component aluminum,silicon,and magnetic.??
1 an artist hopes that the public will understand him and learn from him.
原文:he hopes the public will listen and understand——he wants to teach them ,and he wants them to learn from him .
2 it is hard to explain what a painter is saying because a painter used shapes and colors instead of words.
原文:what visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult explain,because painters translate their experience into sharps and colors,not words.
3????? painter chooses certain sharps and colors because he feels that they are worth showing to the public.
?原文:they seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors ,out of the countless billions possible ,is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us.
4????? the writer says that contemporary artist might any their choice of subject only provides interesting patterns.
原文contemporary artists might say that they merely choose subject that provide an interesting pattern, that those is nothing more in it.
5????? implied but not stated:one must look beyond shape and color to find what the artist is saying.
1 as soon as
2 as much as possible
3 as far as i am concerned
4 it is kind of you to me.?
6????? until
7????? quality
8????? quantity
9????? send us
10? satisfactory
11? satisfied
12? reference 推荐
13? delivery 运送(邮件)
14? at the latest
15? have received
16? in order to?
17? on time 准时,及时
18? serious 严肃的,认真的
19? enable he to listen to english class
20? be able to
21? would it be possible for 有没有可能
22? one of
23? so much
24? be eager to
25? major in
26? master degree
27? apply for
28? as is known to all =as we all know
29? as is widely known
30? as i know
31? would like to
32? between…..and…..?
33? consideration
34? looking forward to
35? fresh in my mind 有新想法
36? be good at
37? interview
38? i am happy to hear that
39? department
40? at the same time
41? there will be
thank you for doing 作者:小梦明 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv10189798 出处:bilibili
