



morning!早上好,上午好Good afternoon!下午好Good evening!晚上好Good night!(不是问好语,而是晚上别离时或寝息前的道别用语,它的意义是“晚安”,“再会”)
A: How are you? 你好吗?B: I’m OK/ fine / well, thanks.我极好。谢谢。
How is your mother? She is fine. 你母亲好吗?她极好。

A: What’s this in English? B: It’s an orange. A: What’s that in English? B: It’s a jacket. (答复What’s this和What’s that时,用人称代词it,不必this和that)4.What’s the English for 枕头?“枕头”用英语怎么说?It’s a pillow.

Spell it, please.请把它拼写出来。/Can you spell it, please?/ How do you spell
it? / Do you know how to spell it? 6. What color is it? It’s purple.
7. 特别疑问句= 疑问词+一般疑问句

8.冠词:冠词有三个:a, an和the。a和an是不定冠词。The是定冠词。冠词必定置于名词之前。/ 定冠词the一般有清楚的所指,即说话人和听话人已知的人或事。一般翻译成“这”“那”。The white model plane is hers. The milk is on the table./ 不定冠词a, an放在奇数名词前,一般翻译成“一个”或标明分类。Do you have a volleyball? A rose is a flower.


What’s your name? My name is Gina. / I’m Gina.2. What’s his name? His name is Eric. / He’s Eric.

3. What’s her name? Her name is Mary. / She’s Mary. 4. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.

6. I’m Helen.→ Are you Helen? He’s Jack. →Is he Jack? 7. What’s your telephone number? It’s 281-9176.

8. My telephone number is 358-6344.→Is your telephone number 358-6344? 9. first name=given name名 last name=family name 姓 10. Mr. 先生 Ms. 女士 Mrs 夫人 太太 (加在姓氏之前,如Mr. Black, Ms. Green)11. ID card 身份证,信息卡 school ID card 学生证 12. 5.family的用法(1)family:家庭(当指家庭常常看作奇数,根据语句意思来判别)例:My family is a big[big](大的) family. 我的家庭是一个我们庭。(2)family:家人(当指家人常常看作复数,根据语句意思来判别)例:My family are friendly[`frendli](友爱的). 我的家人很友爱。

This is my friend Jane. That’s my sister Sally. 2. These are my brothers. Those are my parents.(this这,that那,these这些,those那些。这四个单词叫指示代词。) 3. Who’s she? She’s my cousin. Who’re they? They’re my grandparents. 4. Oh, I see. 我晓得了。(我理解了) 5. A: Have a good day! 愿你们(一天)玩得高兴!B: Thanks! You, too. 多谢,你也是。 6. take turn to do 轮流做某事。 7. male男人,男性的female 女人,女人的 9.Here is a photo of my family. Here are some of my friends. Here be. 这是 这儿有 10.photo = picture 相片11. the name of my dog 我的狗的名字 (of表所属联络,of之前的名词归归于of之后的食物 如,a photo of my family我的一张全家福 )

1.Is this your pencil? Yes, itis. It’s mine. / No, it isn’t. It’s hers. 2. Is that your schoolbag? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 3. Are these your books? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. They’re Bob’s.(用yes或no答复的问句叫一般疑问句。答语中的主语用人称代词)4. A:Thank you for your help.= Thanks for your help.(名词) B: You’re welcome. 不必谢(不谦让)5. ask sth for sb 向或人要某物Ask the teacher for it. Don’t ask money for your parents.不要向你的父母要钱。 6. call sb 给或人打电话 Call me at 685-6034.拨打电话685-6034找我。Call Jane at 284-5486. E-mail me at mary g2@ gfimail.com 7. I lost my school ID card. 我丢了我的学生证。(lose-lost-lost) 8. a set of keys 一串钥匙,一套钥匙。a set of… 一套…一副… a set of books /a set of music CDs 9. Excuse me. 打扰了



● 主格作主语,主语用主格。宾格作宾语,宾语用宾格。例如:We all like them.


形物后有必要加名词。名物后不加名词。例如:This is my book. /This book is mine.11. 名词和名词一切格 名词一切格标明所属联络。名词和名词一切格的联络恰当于人称代词和无主代词的联络。如:Tom– Tom’s (Tom的) my sister–my sister’s(我小妹的) / 名词一切格的构成:奇数名词,加’s。 如: Mike’s。复数名词不以s结束的,加’s。如: children’s 复数名词以s结束的,加’。如:your parents’Unit4—Unit6

1. Where’s the map? It’s in your parents’ room. 2. Where’re my books? They’re under the chair. 3. Come on.标明敦促,鼓舞。意义是“加油”“从速”“快点儿”4. tape player录音机5.model plane飞机模型 6. Gina’s books are everywhere.吉娜的书处处都是。

1. Do you have a ping-pong bat? Yes, Ido. / No, I don’t. 2. Does she have a tennis ball? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. 3. Let’s go! /Let me get it. /Let’s play. /Let’s ask. /Let’s play basketball. (let sb do 让或人做某事)4. That sounds good.(sound是系动词后加描述词) 5. We go to the same school. My brother and I are in the same school. (same前要加the)6. We play soccer at school with our friends. After school, I play ping-pong with my classmates. (with sb和或人一同)7. play sports 做运动8. I only watch them on TV. 我只在电视上看他们。

1. I like oranges. I don’t like oranges. Do you like Bananas? No, I don’t. 2. He likes salad. He doesn’t like ice-cream. Does he like vegetables? Yes, he does.(like 后加可数名词时,必定加复数标明一类) 3. Let’s think about the food.(think about 思考,思考)4. How about burgers, vegetables and some fruit? What about lunch? (How about sth =What about sth?)5. Sportsstar eats well. (副词well润饰实意动词eat)6. David asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her eating habits. (ask sb about sth问或人有关某事)7. What do you like for breakfast?(for与一日三餐分配运用时,标明各餐所吃的食物。For breakfast, I often eat eggs.)

8. What fruit do you like? 9. Do you like hamburgers for dinner? 10. one last question 最终一个疑问11. I don’t want to be late.(want to do想要做某事)

12. 一般疑问句,否定句和特别疑问句



14.名词:名词标明人或事物的称号。分为可数名词和不可以数名词。可数名词有单复数。如:an apple , apples /a bag , bags. 不可以数名词没有单复数。不可以数名词前不能用a, an 和数词,也不能加s变复数

但可数和不可以数名词前都可加定冠词the. 如:the book / the milk / the fruit



1. How much is the hat? It’s five dollars. How much are these socks? They’re two dollars. What’s the price of the socks?= How much are the socks? 2.英语中常见的购物用语。A:Can I help you? B: Yes, please. 你要买点啥吗?是的。I’ll take it/them. 我买下了。I’ll take two pairs. 我买两双。Here you are. 给你。(你拿好了。)I see. (我晓得了/我理解了)3. I need a sweater for school.(for…表意图)4. Two dollars forone pair and three dollars for two pairs. 两美元一双,三美元两双。(价格+for+具体物品It’s 30 yuan for this book. 这本书30元。) 5. a pair of… 一双,一对,一副(如,a pair of trousers/ shorts一条长裤/短裤)6. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale. 咱们在大促销,快来没衣裳吧!(sell 是动词sale是名词 意义是出售,出售/ on sale降价出售,大促销)7. We sell all our clothes at very good price. (sell…at… 以…的价格出售)8. For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20. (have+物品+for+价格)9. It looks nice.它看起来很秀丽。这句和上个单元学习的That sounds good.归于同一类型的主系表规划,look是系动词,标明看起来,和sound标明听起来相同,后边接描述词。

1. When is your birthday? My birthday is onMay 2nd. 2. When is his birthday? His birthday is on January 17th.(在具体的某一天介词用on) 3. When is Alice’s birthday? Her birthday is on September 5th. 4. How old are you? I’m thirteen. How old is he? He is twelve.

5. A: Happy birthday! B: Thank you! 6. Do you want to come to my birthday party? When is it? Atthree this afternoon.(点钟时刻分配用at) 7.We have something interesting and fun things for you this term. (不定代词+描述词 描述词+名词)8. have a school trip 9. an art festival 10. a book sale 11.Have a good time. Have a good day. 12. Children’s Day /Women’s Day /National Day /New year’s Day 13. See you! 再会!See you then! 到时见!See you later! 一会儿见,回头见!See you tomorrow!

1. What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science.(形物+ favorite+名词)Why do you like science? Because it’s interesting. 2. How’s your day? It’s OK. 今日过得如何?还行吧。3. What’s your favorite day? Friday. Why? Because the next day is Saturday. 4. That’s for sure. 的确如此5. Who is your music teacher? My music teacher is Ms. Xie. 6. When is your geography class? It’s onMonday and Friday. 6. I’m very busy on Friday. 7. At 8:00 I have math. 8. The teacher says it is useful. 9.After that I have P. E. at 11:00. 10. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00. (from…to…从…到…)11. Our Chinese teacher, Mrs Wang, is great fun. 咱们的语文王教师是个很有意思的人。(此句中的fun不是描述词,而是名词,标明有意思的人,风趣的人。在这种用法中,fun前还可分配good. 如:Tom is good fun. Tom是个风趣的人)12. My class finishes at 1:50. 13 After that I have an art lesson for two
hours. 14. Let’s meet on Saturday. 15. Is that Ok with you? 那对你来说可以吗? / 你看可以吗?16. Thank you for your e-mail. 17. I want to meet you on Friday afternoon.

