

1. How much does it cost?(多少钱?)
这是最常见也最直接的询问方式,可以用来询问任何物品或服务的价格。在询问英语课程或学习资料的价格时,可以说:”How much does the English course cost?”(英语课程多少钱?)或者 “How much does the English study material cost?”(英语学习资料多少钱?)。

2. What is the price of the English course?(英语课程的价格是多少?)
这种表达方式更加正式一些,适用于商务场合或正式的询问。可以说:”Excuse me, what is the price of the English course?” (打扰一下,英语课程的价格是多少?)或者 “May I know the price of the English study material?”(我可以了解一下英语学习资料的价格吗?)。

3. How much do I need to pay for the English course?(我需要为英语课程支付多少钱?)
这是另一种表达方式,稍微有些委婉。可以说:”Could you please tell me how much I need to pay for the English course?”(请问一下,我需要为英语课程支付多少钱?)或者 “I want to know the amount I need to pay for the English study material.”(我想知道我需要为英语学习资料支付多少钱。)

4. Are there any discounts available for the English course?(英语课程有折扣吗?)
有时候商家会提供一些折扣活动或优惠政策,询问是否有折扣可以帮助您节省一些开支。可以说:”Are there any discounts available for the English course?”(英语课程有折扣吗?)或者 “Do you have any promotion for the English study material?”(英语学习资料有促销活动吗?)。

5. Can you give me a price range for the English course?(你能给我一个英语课程的价格范围吗?)
有时候我们可能想要了解一下价格的大致范围,这个问题可以帮助我们对价格有一个初步的了解。可以说:”Can you give me a price range for the English course?”(你能给我一个英语课程的价格范围吗?)或者 “I am interested in the English study material, can you let me know the price range?”(我对英语学习资料很感兴趣,你能告诉我价格范围吗?)。

总结起来,询问英语价格高低可以用”How much does it cost?”、”What is t
he price of the English course?”、”How much do I need to pay for the English course?”、”Are there any discounts available for the English course?”、”Can you give me a price range for the English course?”这五种表达方式。希望您可以通过这些表达方式更好地了解和询问英语价格。
