




311.Do you deliver? 你们送货上门吗?

312.Let's order takeout.我们点外卖吧!

313.What sounds good to you?你想订什么呀?

314.What are the choices?都可以订些什么呀?

315.Can I have that to go please?我带走吃。

316.We can order takeout.我们可以叫外卖啊!  

317.I'd like to make a reservation.我想订餐。

318.I'd like to order some delivery.想点外卖。

319.Please wrap this for me.请帮我把这个包起来。

320.I'd like to order some take-out?我想点份外卖。

321.Could you wrap it up?能帮我把这个打包一下吗?

322.How much is the delivery cost?配送费要多少钱?

323.I'd like to take the rest.我想把剩下的打包带走。

324.Let's order something for delivery.我们订外卖吧。

325.What kind of flavor do you have?你们有哪些口味的?

326.Can I get pizza delivered please?披萨可以外送吗?

327.Is that Chinese take-away restaurant?是中餐外卖吗?

328.I would like to order some carry-out.我想要点外卖菜。

329.Let's get a take-away for dinner.我们中午叫份外卖吧。

330.Can you deliver food to my company?能把吃的送到公司吗?

331.Could you deliver it in half an hour?30分钟内能送到吗?

332.Does this restaurant provide take-out?这家餐厅提供外卖吗?

333.I want to know if you send takeout?我想知道你们是否送外卖。

334.We planned on taking away food from KFC.我们打算叫KFC的外卖。

335.I brought you some takeout from KFC.我给你带了些肯德基的外卖。

336.Please book it under the name of Wang Ming.请以王明的名义订餐。

337.When do you want to get your  take-away food?你想外卖几点送达?

338.We provide takeaway service around the clock.我们提供全天外卖服务。

339.We're gonna have some Chinese food delivered.我们准备点些中餐送过来。

340.I got some Chinese food takeout for dinner. 我买了些外带的中国菜当晚餐。

341.The drawer full of takeout menus is okay,right?装满外送菜单的抽屉没坏吧?

342.Nowadays it's very easy to order takeaway online.现在在网上叫外卖很方便。

343.I'd like one pizza.Could you make it for takeout?我要一个比萨。能做成外卖吗?

344.There are a lot of choices around our neighborhood.我们附近有好多外卖可以订的。

345.I'm too tired to cook. Let's order in.我太累了不想煮饭。我们打电话叫外送食物吧。

346.It's definitely expanded to include all kinds of different food.外卖已经扩展到几乎所有的食物。

347.Take-out food is unhealthy for you,you can't always eat that.外卖对你不健康,你不能老是叫外卖。

348.How about Chinese food? We can eat the leftovers tomorrow night.那订中国菜怎么样?明晚我们可以吃剩下的菜。

349.Do you know any good Japanese restaurants for delivery or takeout?你知道哪些好吃的日本料理店可以外送或外带的吗?

350.We can order pizza, Chinese food, Indian food, sandwiches, or something else.可以订比萨饼,中国菜,印度菜,三明治或者其他吃的。




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