
jane:home at last. tonight we have a lot of homework though. 简:总算到家了。不过今晚咱们有一大堆作业要做。
tom:are you saying we don’t have time to watch our favorite show tonight? jane, you know i really don’t like our teacher all that much . he gives far too much homework. he criticizes me in front of everyone all the time?.汤姆:你是说咱们没时刻看最喜爱的电视节目了吗?简,你晓得我真的不那么喜爱咱们教师。他安设的作业太多了。而且老是在我们面前批判我。
jane:to tell the truth, i don’t really like him either. he’s kind of boring and not very active. he always looks unhappy too. 简:说真话,我也不是很喜爱他。他有点儿庸俗而且一点儿也不活泼,看起来老是一副不开心的姿势。

and he also…汤姆:对啊,而且他还…
jane:do you think we should be talking about him like this behind his back? 简:你觉得咱们大约在不和这样说他吗?
tom:probably not. after all? he is our teacher. we should try to find something nice to

say. if you can’t say something nice you shouldn’t say anything at all. 汤姆:不大约,究竟他是咱们的教师。咱们大约找点好的说。假定你不能说点好的,那就别说了。
jane:i absolutely agree. it’s getting dark. we should finish our homework now. 简:我完全撑持。天要黑了,咱们仍是先把功课做完吧。
tom: all right. i want to take a shower first, i’m exhausted. 汤姆:好吧。我想先冲个澡。累死了!
